Nanahira Song of the Day (2025-Mar-14)
YouTube Playlist
Release Date:2015/04/26
Recently I got hit with daylight savings time so this last week the task of waking up has been impossible for me. That's where Nanakoko come in, giving their all to wake me up. I absolutely adore the start of this where the two of them do the wake up ASMR
"if you don't wake up, I'll destroy your C:Drive!" is a pretty effective threat.
Truly in order to wake up in the morning a cataclysmic event like the destruction of all the precious memories I've accumulated over the years being destroyed. I did the math on their threat line (If you don’t wake up in 2 minutes 40 seconds we’ll do it) and if you add 2:40 to the moment they start saying that it lines up exactly to when they finish saying the final words of the song, so you have until exactly then to wake up or else your C:drive is toast.
Release Date:2019/09/19
i like the energy of this song, nanahira really matches it too :omochihungry: i also forgot that this is a t+pazolite and camellia collaboration song, i can’t name too many songs where i’ve seen them both as the composers. this song is pretty popular, nanahira’s cover is also my introduction to ARuFa. there’s a lot of covers of ぼくの夢、メチャクソ無限湧き including one by ばやちゃお which i’m only hearing about today
some of the lyrics are a little too nonsensical for me to understand
i’ve always just assumed that メチャ was 滅茶
Album: REALIZE (Track 13/13)
Release Date:2012/12/31 (Original), 2015/08/16 (Remix)
Composer:DJ Genki
The original song is performed by DJ Genki and Yukacco, however, I'm impressed that this song is just a remix, as it has all the Camenana vibe
(Apparently this is related to the A-Style mentioned in the remix title, but to be honest I don't understand it), I even feel like it could pass for another song from their albums.
I really like the contrast between the vibe of the two versions, with these beautiful lyrics that talk about a world full of dreams and hope for the future ||(just like those I have for a new Camenana release)||. While Yukacco sounds a bit softer that gives you hope that those will come true
, Nanahira feels like she's telling you "get up and let's make it happen"
Release Date:2020/11/01
Anime ED core song. I wonder if that's what they were going for on this one, it certainly feels like the kind of thing I'd listen to with that bittersweet feeling after some kind of light-hearted travel anime is over. I think there are a few of the classic Neko Hacker messages worked into this song, with the isekai market being an interesting vessel for a) a place that the natives of the isekai take for granted, and b) a temporary thing that has to be enjoyed before it ends. Every time I stop and listen to the words of these songs I have to take a moment and realize I've been slacking on my day to day enjoyment of everything I could have been. What do you guys think about it? Any different interpretations?
Release Date:2024/10/21
Composer:Yuichiro Tsukagoshi
Album: らぶちゅ!2
Release Date:2015/04/26
Composer:かめりあ (camellia)
Album: トリップ×フロリック (Track 08/08)
Release Date:2019/04/28
Composer:Yuichiro Tsukagoshi
God morgen vår! (Good morning, spring!) is what sold TRIP×FROLIC to me back in the day. I had been a fan of Nanahira for a while before coming across the album. But soon after I did, it became one of my favorites, especially thanks to this song. Being the "Norway" song in the album, it hits very close to home for me as a Finn.
To me, it beautifully captures that feeling of spring arriving after a long, dark winter typical for the Nordic countries. It also makes it feel kind of majestic with the instrumental side of things, along with how there are three different tracks for Nanahira's (amazing) vocals in the song.
There have been many moments where I've had the song on loop while wandering in the snowy, sunlit forests near my home, and I can confirm that it really enhances that already phenomenal experience.
Before I translated this song, I had pretty much no idea about what most of the lyrics were about.
I found out that they depict spring's arrival in a very figurative and also kind of a romantic way, which somehow made me even more attached to the song than I already was.
I'm not good enough at Japanese to translate it all myself so I had to use tools, but it was still a fun experience and something I'm very glad I decided to do. After all, I can now confidently say that this is my favorite Nanahira song.
Album: PRECIOUS DAYS (Track 01/01)
Release Date:2019/12/06
Composer:Yuichiro Tsukagoshi
Album: It's a Message for you
Release Date:2023/04/30
Composer:iroha sasaki
4 minutes and 40 seconds of beauty. "You are too beautiful for this world"
This song is very much in the poetic category along with the crystal clear sound to the music so I've had to really think for a while as to what everything might mean. First thing to remember is that this is in the "It's a Message for you" album, so I think it's safe to assume that it's being sung by the protagonist of that with her wings. My mental imagery is that our cute mail girl is coming up to this house throughout the day to drop off letters.
Album: rond de lumière
Release Date:2020/02/09, 2021/09/17
Composer:ミクニユキナカ (Yukinaka Mikuni)
Kimi dake no monogatari
Before February ends I'd like to bring everyone's attention to the müchette for that month in 2020. "Kimi dake no 1 page" is about that first step towards your dreams. I remember when I was a kid that kind of thing was always rather corney to me, but now that I have a proper sense of exactly how much I am in control of what I do, the more this type of messaging fills me with determination. I remember this song coming out very well since it was right before everything in 2020 started to go all weird, so with a lot of extra time on my hands I listened to Nanahira way more and gained that unwavering dedication that dictates my every move these days. It was what I consider the first page of my current story, one which will soon be reaching the biggest dream I had back then: to physically go see Nanahira.
Album: Nanairo Ribbon
Release Date:2017/10/12 (original song), 2017/11/09 (cover), 10/28/2018 (album release)
Singers:ななひら, nayuta
Dashidashi time~ Dashidashi time~
About a month after the original release of Positive Dance Time on Kinoshita's channel Nayuta uploaded the duet cover of the song between her and nanahira on her channel, which about a year later was included in their collaboration album Nanairo Ribbon as the final song. It really ties the cheerful and cute themes of the album together
Half the time when I think about it though I accidentally think it was a part of Nanamega kingdom instead because mega also has a cover of the song that came out later
Release Date:2021/04/25
I was currently sightseeing at a shrine using VRChat so I thought I'd post this today! yes it's just a whim
t+pazolite makes aggressive hardcore, so it seems like his and Nanahira's songs will be Denpa-music but actually it's not.
When he released Refactoring Travel, he said ``A calmer Nanahira song would match my song better'' (probably), I think so too
He also released many albums with oriental music themes from 2013 to 2016 (異聞伝承アラカルト etc.)
And this song inherits those worldviews, and has a wonderfully eerie and mysterious atmosphere!
Release Date:2023/02/21
Album: Fake Circus (Track 10)
Release Date:2023/04/29
Cinema. Kino. A masterpiece of the arts. Hardcore Syndrome the Move changed my life, everything since I first heard it has been uphill.
This one is a collaboration work between members of Hardcore Tano*C combining their styles into a masterful story about the power of music, dreams, and coming together. The climax of the story when our protagonist Javelinlin is at his lowest and then the mysterious crowd of voices cheer him on never fails to bring a tear to my eyes.
Album: BEEPいんぱくと2 (Track 5/5)
Release Date:2017/04/30, 2018/07/05 (MV)
This song has a very ||エロ||RPG vibe which, thanks to it's minor chords and depressing tones has always made me
as I listened to it. It's a silly song about the hero trying to pass through a village on the way through their quest, but the village chief keeps getting in their way and wasting their time with pointless errands, saying it's for the hero's sake. Certainly this is a fantasy setting but there are several notes saying that this is a situation that you can imagine in any world. Personally I interpret it as an allegory for the type of boss you see in a black company, impeding your progress on your way to greater things while saying "you're not enough, I can't let you move on for your sake" while exploiting you with demands that certainly benefit them.
But what do you guys think? All in all it's a song that makes me laugh every time, a very special entry in Nanahi song lore.
Album: Meltical sugar wave (Track 02/13)
Release Date:2015/10/07
Album: トリップ×フロリック
Release Date:2019/04/28
Album: Good night, Dreamer.
Release Date:2024/04/28
Finally I beat my senior thesis! It wasn't rejected so I can graduate from school without any problems! I'm very happy now
…and somehow I picked this song
When I first heard this song, I was surprised by her versatile expressiveness!
I love the low-tone voice she sometimes shows! I feel like we can often hear that in Kabocha's songs.
The title(Sleeping Princess in Unwakeable Dream) is like Snow White, so beautiful!
But I feel like it actually has a really bad meaning… I think there's a Host club metaphor in at least some of the lyrics
Album: Free Pl@ying (Track 9/11)
Release Date:2013/08/12
Album: Single, It's a Message for you
Release Date:2023/02/14
Happy valentines day!!!
(wait it's over?)
There likely isn't a more fitting song for the 14th of February than this one, it was that way when this song came out on a valentines day too. I remember back then I was really looking forward to all the cool stuff that gets released every year on valentines day and this one just blew my expectations out of the water. Later on when the song was released for her M3 album "It's a Message for you" it was suddenly clear that the themes of the songs she was releasing had all been about someone wanting to convey some kind of feeling. I hope Nanahira's feelings in her songs also reaches you today.
Release Date:2024/12/29
Album: ニコニ紅白~みんなで楽しく遊んじゃいました~ (Track 07/18)
Release Date:2009/12/09
Album: Free Pl@ying (Track 05/11)
Release Date:2013/08/12
Album: エネルギー冷麺 お受験せんそ→☆ (Track 7/8)
Release Date:2008/13/30
Composer:ZUN, Arrange by 未来派
We're going back quite far with this one, I think this is the third CD release under Nanahira's name and it's a lot of fun. Of course I couldn't find the lyrics so I spent the afternoon transcribing it with a bit of help from saburou
The tune is a Touhou remix, 少女さとり, so it's a pretty familiar melody but the song itself has very little to do with Touhou. From my interpretation of things it's basically Nanahi playing the upbeat motivational character cheering on and coaching yukimame who's playing a depressed loner introvert character
she reminds me a lot of blue archive's haruka in how she talks. I love the dichotomy between Nanahira's upbeat-ness, and how it so strongly clashes, often at fairly inopportune timings.
I do think both nanahira's advice and yukimame's depressed outlook are extremely compelling, though these days I tend to lean closer to Nanahira's position of being optimistic and trying to be encouraging, however well that works. Enjoy~
Album: Find my Future
Release Date:2023/04/30
👼 EmoCosine feat Nanahira 👼
This is the second song we've done with EmoCosine and it sure stands out with that clear, sparkly, happy tone to it. It's very optimistic and cute, and I find the character design to be quite interesting considering the song itself. A cute angel in ping/purple pastels covered in bandages with one black wing... Seems almost like a menhera character but the song is just pure 

If you want a happy day go ahead and listen to the whole album as well.
Album: Say cheese!
Release Date:2021/08/31 (pomi ver), 2021/10/31 (Nanahi release)
Composer:立秋 (rissyuu)
Album: いんふぃにてぃ🐰もふりてぃ!(Track 01/06)
Release Date:2019/10/19
Release Date:2014/03/14 (original), 2016/08/14 (sleep!)
Release Date:2015/05/23
Release Date:2017/8/11
Burst out of this room and fly on a whale's back~ Another song about dreams I suppose, I've lost count of how many we've done so far. You can dream about anything
even Nanahira (although I've yet to encounter any other dreams so let me know if you dream of something else and we'll direct you to song 224)
This song is the kind of thing I'd put in my sleeping music playlist since it has that peaceful dreaming atmosphere, calm Nanahira voice, and what feels like a slow pace until you think about it for a second and hear all the
embedded within. A fun activity might be to go through and count up all the sweet wishes she makes in the song. Everyone did an excellent job on this song.
Albums: ふぉーす!
Release Date:2017/12/29
Links:, (YUC'e remix)
Albums: Ponko2 Girlish, Confetti-Box
Release Date:2015/12/31
Lyrics:Check youtube comments
Ponko2 (ポンコツ) means clumsy/useless in a cute sort of way, kind of like ditzy. tpz gets this essence down really well with the silly sfx collection put into it and I really like how optimistic the song is. Silly airhead girl nanahi love
The song was released as part of tpz's Ponko2 Girlish album as well as again in Confetti-Box.
Release Date:2012/06/26
Album: Single, Confetti-Box (2017/12/29)
Release Date:2017/09/04
0.000001 seconds after hitting this song and going "oh, nanosize mir" and you know it's good. そこがイインです
This song was made for the game ありすのステージ (Alice's Stage) which is a fan made spin off of that one mobile rythm game Idolism where Nanahira voiced Kagami Arisu. Think of this as a sequel of 鏡の国のランデブー. The nice thing is, this game is actually still up and playable. You can really tell that Idolism got a lot of love despite only being up for a little bit of time.
Release Date:2023/03/31
Album: Berry Pop / Sweet Berry Love (Track 02/02)
Release Date:2020/12/30
🍓 I hope you all like berries 🍓
Since I talked quite often about berries the last days I decided to choose the berry love as for todays nnhrsotd 🍓
The song has some chill vibes and I like to listen to it after a hard and tough day to relax
Since the last days I had the feeling to go to my local grocery store and get some berries while listening to this song to get the full berry experience
If you have time and see some berries may get them and listen to this awesome berry masterpiece
🍓 Sweet Berry Love to all 🍓
Quick mentioning to the artwork of @596486251021074433
He made a fan made drawing based on Sweet Berry Love which went pretty well so you might wanna check it out at
🍓 .
Album: おでんぱ☆学園 初等科 (Track 04/05)
Release Date:2012/04/30
Release Date:2025/01/09
Composer:Itsuki Amagase
This is a fairly recent song, showing up in just a livestream for awhile before getting it's release on streaming services 3 days ago. "To Seven To" really sounds like they came up with the song specifically for nanahira to sing. I haven't played the game for it (mobile game) enough to figure out the significance of 7 quite yet.
The game follows the plot of the dark king (冥王) trying to restore the power of the burned down world tree by founding an academy with lots of girls who's absorbed the fragments of the world tree. There's an all ages release on the japanese google play/ios stores, and perhaps other versions other places but I won't get into those. Very pretty song
Album: Colory Starry (Track 03/10)
Release Date:2015/08/16
i like U-ske’s style of music, and the more i see the translations of U-ske + nanahira songs the more i become a fan
colory starry gives me the teenage love kind of atmosphere, おねがい!らぶまじっく☆ falls in this category for me. this song kind of reminds me of Akki
Albums: プチリズムふぉお///, プチリズム7♭
Release Date:2011/12/31
Kids are busy too!
This is a really cute song that takes a concept that most adults find very relatable and presenting a solution that a little kid would think up for it. If only there were 8 days in a week, then we'd have more time to play together!
But adding an 8th day to the week wouldn't actually change that
This was a originally a haruka nana song released on 2011/02/10 and then released in two Nanahi albums later on. Both those versions are the same and compared to the haruka nana version come with a lot of Nanahi yapping at the end, but I didn't translate that part.
Album: すりーぷ!(9/12), ふぉーす!(17/17) (The 4th Remix)
Release Date:2016/08/14
Growing up seems to be a common theme in nanahira's songs. No longer being a kid and being able to enjoy all the same things as back then, but the future is not lost and we don't need to separate forever. I get the sense that Nanahira doesn't like permanent farewells.
A very pretty song that's very much a banger. I know a few people who say this is their favourite song of all time
. Honestly I've never really thought too much about the mood the lyrics set for this song even though it's clearly a more soulful song. May we continue to meet on all our new adventures
Album: ななめが王国 (Track 06/08)
Release Date:2019/10/27
Album: 往古来今 (Oh-Ko Rai-Kon)
Release Date:2019/06/05
Album: Screamin’ Showcase (Track 08/10)
Release Date:2021/12/31
Album: らぶちゅ!
Release Date:2014/04/26
Singers:ココ & ななひら
Album: MagiQute!!
Release Date:2012/04/30
Because I went to bed really early and woke up really early to post this I think it's time to do morning-type vampire 9cc. Very silly song about a cute little half vampire girl who only needs few cc's of your blood.
Really ditzy but cute, living a healthy lifestyle by waking up bright and early
Release Date:2021/03/23
Album: It’s a Message for you (Track 07/07)
Release Date:2023/04/30
Album:Neko Hacker II: Stray
Release Date:2021/07/09
Composer:Neko Hacker
pipupapipupepe pipopa!
popopipupepo pupepapipipopapepupapapipopepepupipo
pupipo,popopupipapepopupipepapopipepapupupepopapapapa? popo,papepipo.
pupi pepopapi~
Release Date:2016/11/30
Release Date:2023/03/10
Album:It's a Message for you
Release Date:2023/04/30
Composer:Ryunosuke Kudo
The theme of It's a message for you is to convey feelings to someone, and I think this song expresses that theme very well.
The emotional rock is like JPOP with a bit of nostalgia, and I think her relatively low-tone melody line fits well with the song(So I like this song because it's easy to sing, Nanahira's songs are usually too high pitched to sing
I noticed that this album hasn't been posted much yet, so I(we?) would like to introduce more of the theme of this album in future posts
Release Date:2019/08/11
As the seasons revolve, memories turn.
Flowers Unfold Re:Bloom is overall a very pretty album with the song "Passage" by m@sumi sung by Nanahira being what I consider the capstone piece. She sings as the twin fairies roo and qoo in something like a duet with herself in her most "heartfelt" style of singing. The rest of the album really feels like it leads into and out of this song so if you have the time I recommend sitting down and listening through the whole thing, as it is a boquet from roo and qoo to say "thank you".
Apparently all the songs are all supposed to be words in the flower language that spell out "everything so far" or something, so if I could find a single person on this earth who understands flower language that would be awesome.
Release Date:2022-05-13
cosMo of "The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku" fame has been making Vocaloid songs still, including some Project Sekai boss songs like Yaminabe. They're super talented, even doing their own illustrations, and what's even more impressive is that they wife syuri22 is a vocalist and illustrator too so they do a lot of songs together. They even make charts for SDVX nowadays
Anyhow Hachipuyo-sensei's art is super cute in the MV for this one, and it's always fun seeing Nanahi The Instrument push her limits.
Release Date:2021/08/05
Singers:Nanahira, Nana Takahashi, Neko Taisitu
Stepping a bit into the otoge territory with this one, but 
machu picchu!
Another entry in the nanahi south america based songs for the funny ñ people here, this time we're focsing on peru with Machu Picchu. I can't say I knew too much about the world heritige site until this song brought my attention to it but man is it fun to say. From my reading in the last few minutes it seems to be an abandoned Inca city, but the history enthusiasts should probably be the one to speak on this one.
Album:Dear, My Days!
Release Date:2023/10/29
I eat small due to chronic gastritis
This song is very happy and fun to listen to! All of Dear My Days songs are pop and I love them
BTW I remember a commercial message when I watch this song's preview:
This is an Japanese commercial (about 10 years ago). I'm not sure but I feel like the title and lyrics are an homage to this song...maybe?
(I'm little busy so I can't post long sentence,sorry
Album: Colory Starry (Track 10/10)
Release Date:2015/08/16
Release Date:2023/04/06
Composer:大漠波新(GaL), 匿名ゲルマ(GaL)
Awaken, right now!
All of the Zonko songs are very hype, motivational I suppose. Knowing that this one is sponsored by an energy drink company, I can't help but think it must mean staying up all night hyped up on ZONe energy for your ultra-biorhythm. LAM's illustrations are both super cute and also really cool, I love those embedded circle type eyes.
Anyway with my ultra-biorhythm I will proceed to sleep at highly confusing times so I can maximize my enjoyment of Nanahira!
Release Date:2024/12/29
i tried to write sentence but my brain melted when i listened so i couldn't
now all i need is just repeating listen this
Release Date:2020-12-18
Last week or so we had the cover of "Merry Merry Fantasia!", so this week I'm going with an earlier song by the same in-universe idol group "Meltic StAr".
I'm quite a fan of this cover because it's nice to see nanahi do 3 different singing voices for the same song! ねことりな-sensei's art is so good here too, and the MV is very cute
Release Date:2024/12/27
Release Date:2015/02/20
Composer:OSTER project
Today's song kind of just jumped out at me and I knew I needed to look into it more. This is the theme song for Kagami Arisu in the mobile rhythm game "Idolism" that was out 10 years ago. Seems like these days a lot of the links for it are dead and I have no idea if it's still possible to find the apk for it so if you have any leads or archived data that would be awesome if you could share it.
Arisu is a spoiled type ojousama idol, and you can download her mmd model from her character intro page on the post mortem fan site of the game. Seems like the overall run of the game's service was only one year from march of 2014 to august 2015. Afterwards there was a release of a sequel to the events of the main game in the form of a novel that currently exists as a free pdf on booth (japanese).
Release Date:2022/04/24
I'm not sure what I should post at January 2nd, so I post just my favorite song
The theme of this song is a girl who love books. I also love novels so this song's atmosphere is so great for me! I was really happy when the music video for this song was released
this song is related about books. for example, The title (C3390) is classification code for books in Japan. The meaning is
C(books) 3 (special) 3(complete works) 90(about literature). I think it represents this girl very well
Other than that, Nanahira sings “地(ground, earth)” in the lyrics as “けした(Keshita)”. Keshita is the space of below book. I didn't know about this until now but it's very interesting!
By the way, (maybe) this song is 6th song posted in this album. VOTRE CHÂTEAU has 7 songs so the next is final! I don't know who will post it, but I'm looking forward to it
Album: La La Fav! (Track 08/08)
Release Date:2016/04/24
Composer:Ryuji Takagi
Album: ななみっくす! -nanamix-
Release Date:2012/08/11
Composer:さつき が てんこも
Singers:ななひら, 春香ナナ
It's the end of the year so I thought I'd so my usual thing and leave the year off on a high note. Maybe this one is a bit flat though...
This album is all cute little duets between Nana
and Nana
with this one I think being my current favourite. There's a lot of philosophical meat to this song and the way the ideas are conveyed. Nanahira's parts seem to focus more on listing the pros and cons as if arguing why her reality is fine, but Haruka seems to be more on the lines of "I'm 2D, the fact that I'm this way is intentional. It's perfectly unimplemented" and there's a lot that we can learn from that.
I hope you all had a good 2024, signing off for the last song of this year.
Release Date:2015/08/14
It's been very cold lately, so today I'm going to post a blazing hot song🔥
This song is an homage to The Little Match Girl, that is a Literary fairy tale by Andersen. ||And Wax play is also a theme
I think this song is one of りぷれい's most high-tempo denpa songs, and it's fun to listen to
1 10 100 1000 1000 kelvin🕯️🕯️🕯️
Release Date:2019-01-27 (8th KAC), 2019-02-07 (on cabs)
Technically nanahi is uncredited for this song so it's not really a nanahi song, but there's enough nanahi samples in here I'm counting it. This also means it was the first nanahi (and Kanade) Lv20 song in SDVX.
Seasickness was part of the 2018-19 Konami Arcade Championship, where it debuted as a sight-read song for finalists along with ΣmbryØ. It was the first Lv20 song where a lot of its difficulty is from the speed changes, including one notable slow section in the middle with hard-to-press holds.
Seasickness would later get a sequel (* Erm, could it be a Spatiotemporal ShockWAVE Syndrome...?) but personally I like Seasickness more, song-wise, rhythm game-wise and jacket art-wise.
~~Bless Aoi Tagami for the Kanade song art~~
Release Date:2023/04/16
Album: Midnight Future
Release Date:2019/12/31
This song takes a pretty deep look at "see you tomorrow", where that tomorrow hopefully goes on for much longer than tomorrow. An acknowledgement of the fears of time passing, that it might make everything gray. That what's between them now will disappear and it will all just be forgotten. But it would be nice if tomorrow keeps some of today. And if it doesn't, it would be nice if we could find something new tomorrow that feels just as special as today. Musically I like to focus on how full the sound gets at certain parts of the song, it feels very hopeful to me.
Anyway with that, good night guys. See you tomorrow
Album: 東方フリースタイル弾ジョン (Track 12/15)
Release Date:2017/05/07
i really like the IOSYS nanahira songs, this song is one i came across later that the rest 🍎 i knew this was going to be a silly song
seirogan is a gastrointestinal medication for the bad apple juice 🧃 yuuka is the owner of the mansion of fantasies and both elly and kurumi are the gatekeepers, i guess the mansion only has one toilet despite having 3 residents (in this world setting). i really like Bad Apple!!, this arrangement almost feels like rap though
really hoping we see more iosys nanahira songs like this in the future
Release Date:2021/09/13
This cover is really fun to listen!
Various musical genres such as jazz, future bass, rap etc are expressed by their wonderful voices
Also, the artwork by NekotoRina is amazing! She is in charge of illustrations for various Nanahira works and is my favorite illustrator
Release Date:2019/08/12
Album: ななめが王国
Release Date:2019/10/20
Lyrics:/Composition: Kinoshita
Album: アニマル・ストライク! (Animal Strike!)
Release Date:2019-10-27
Lyrics by まろん
No further comments
Album: ゴキゲン77°↑, プチリズム7♭
Release Date:2010/08/14, 2013/10/27
Hi~^^nyuu~ This is a rather clever song, one from nanahira's peak "imouto" era when sake was drunk out of a small glass... the title of the song is A杯 which seems to be a fun little linguistic pun. I'll have to wait for those more fluent in japanese to comment but from my understanding 杯 is usually pronounced はい (hai), and means a sake cup. But it also seems to often get pronounced as ぱい (pai) like in 乾杯 (kanpai), so I suspect that in this title it's Aぱい(pai), with pai often refering to breasts becoming a double pun since it's also A-cup. Anyway that's just the theory on the title.
The song itself is a chaotic series of letters showing the thoughts of a little sister who feels inadequacies about her body image, due to the lack of attention her brother gives her with his apparent obsession with well endowed women. This slowly develops over the course of the song (unlike said little sister) until a funny reveal at the end that I'll leave unsaid here so people can just listen through the song. I must admit I was not expecting it to go that way despite the foreshadowing. As for the bandaids....
no idea.
Album: ワッカリリィオリジナルサウンドトラック vol.3 (Track 03/08)
Release Date:2017/09/17
Release Date:2020/05/05
#179 was posted by me and this time I will post
Memory-Go-Round is themed around "Memory" and "Can(s)".
And I think the time capsule is the motif that best expresses this theme. Chroma was doing great work
I'm not sure if this culture exists in other countries, but in Japan people often bury time capsules when they graduate from elementary school(It's a old culture a bit so I've never tbh
Anyway, all the songs on this album have a gentle(?) melody. I often listen to it while walking to school
Release Date:2022/08/25
naponaponaponapo nanapominanapomi
It's been getting cold lately
The winter solstice is near
This song is composed for SNOW MIKU 2022❄️
It was held at Hokkaido(North Japan), so the lyrics and movies are related of that!
I especially like nanapomi's chorus in 0:22(Dokkoisyo~!)
It is a hommage of Japanese folk song, ソーラン節(Sōran Bushi). Most Japanese people somehow practiced this song and dance at P.E. so this phrase is very familiar at me too
Release Date:2017/04/28
also uploaded on 28 april 2017 is another ナポリタンcover song by nanahira
the original was a promotional advertisement for Kagome Co’s napolitan campaign, a food company. food company mascots in japan are pretty cute and napoli-tan is not an exception
Release Date:2021/04/25
I've been to posted some songs from this album before, but this one is especially my favorite!(and probably I said this phrase many times so after all my favorite is all the songs
This song is constructed by oriental jazz style. I think this brings out another of her charms to the fullest. Like this, I think that beauty with a little 幼さ(infantility? its difficult to transrate nuances) is a big charm of her singing voice in recent years.
Some of these lyrics are taken from Japanese décadence novels(Beneath the Cherry Trees, Motojirō Kajii). I learned this novels and author from only classes so I don't know many things, at least this novel expression that "The existence becomes beautiful when it has the concept of death" and I think this matches this song well.
By the way, The title of this song seems to be taken from another novel but I don't know why it is… it seems to SciFi novel, Is there any connection?
Release Date:2020-07-02
Kirara manga enjoyer here bringing a remix of the opening of GochiUsa today. This is another anime remix in SDVX which was added after the anime-centric rhythm game KONAMI had in development failed to pan out.
Personally I'm not a fan of how the last 15s is just music no vocals (cos that's the trickiest bit of the SDVX chart, but also cos it's just very typical TAG music), but all the pyonpyon before that more than makes up for it
It's really the type of anisong that's up nanahi's alley~
Release Date:2022/11/15, 2022/10/06
- Lyrics:
Release Date:2020/07/16 (nnhr cover), 2018/10/26 (original)
Release Date:2017/04/28
Release Date:2008(!)/10/10
Singers:Nameless(later Nanahira:NanaXD:589412479788908544 )
Release Date:2015/08/16
Leave it to P*Light to always compose the most happy music... EVERYBODY F*CKING JUMP! 

The lyrics and music blend together to make a very solid uplifting song, plus it's always really funny when Nanahira curses in english
I remember when I was in my younger years out doing my delivery job I'd always have this song come on when I hit the more empty regions of town and I'd make my car bounce along to it.
Anyway, I hope this song makes you feel better too, it always puts a smile on my face
Release Date:2014/06/20
really short song today, so i’ll leave the lyrics in the post
やーん!( ´•̥ו̥` )
絡むのめっめっ( ´•̥ו̥` )!
( ´•̥ו̥` )ぷー
Yaan! ( ´•̥ו̥` )
Messing with other girls
Is a big non non ( ´•̥ו̥` )!
Slap slap! It's bad!
You said you'd only
look at me!
( ´•̥ו̥` ) pout
haven’t heard much as short as this ever since ぷんぷん ( *`ω´)
Release Date:2023-02-02
Composer:立秋, L.E.D.-G
Singers:ちょこ, ななひら
Both (RISH + Nanahi) and (Choko + Nanahi) are rare combos, so RISH + Choko + L.E.D. (who is known for their songs with Prim / moimoi) + Nanahi is an extra rare combo. And with that combo comes BPM changes like there's no tomorrow, from 3 to 333 BPM, much to the chagrin of many rhythm gamers (especially the many whose ears have not been denpa-trained and refuse to touch the song
The song was the final unlockable from the 3rd X-RECORD (IIDX + SDVX crossover) event, which usually means that it's the hardest song for the event. And sure enough, in SDVX this song is actually the first Lv19 featuring Nanahi — somehow there's been many Lv18s, and two Lv20s featuring Nanahi voice samples, but it took 11 years for the game to have a Lv19 Nanahi!
Since this was a commissioned song, it's quite appropriate that the title and lyrics are about rhythm gaming. In fact, true to the song title (Love = Accuracy × Reading Ability), the SDVX chart at least is quite a reading test
Release Date:2022/04/01
イヌぱら(dogs paradise) is a new game announced in 2022. This is a spin-off of ネコぱら(cats paradise), that is adventure game ||and eroge
At first, this game was thought to be a joke (as the song was posted on April Fool's Day) but it was not. イヌぱら is still developing now!
This song is a typical denpa song, but it really shows Nanahira's cuteness. Aiobahn's work is amazing!
Speaking of which, The secret theme of this song is "The bond between pet and owner becomes complete when the pet dies". This may seem sad, but I think pets who can spend time with their owners until the end are very happy
Album: プチリズム六 (Track 07/10)
Release Date:2013/04/29
Release Date:2021/07/19
Singers:Kokonoe Nayu, Nanahira, Yumeko, Kotoza
This one exists entirely as a promotional piece for the live voice drama that Nanahira was doing at the time “Different kinds of feasts”.
This was a big production that was performed in a theatre and also livestreamed for people who could buy a ticket, but sadly the ticket required buying a card from a 7/11 in Japan so I couldn't manage to see it. However we do have a number of the promotional materials including this song, the trailer, and an hour long livestream where they introduce the story and characters. Nanahira was playing the tanned skin silver haired shota named Fen, who's name may or may not be recognizable. The story seems to have been based around food and happiness or something of the like
one of these days far in the future I hope to come across a VOD of the live, or maybe a blueray of it. By now it seems all informational sites and merch pages relating to the event are down so in the discussion feel free to share what you know on it.
Albums: Splash, Confetti-Box (Disc 1, Track 3/15)
Release Date:2015/08/16
I'm back with a Hardstyle punch !!
I can't believe it's almost 10 years old
It's a great introduction to Hardcore/style genre stuff
Discovered this song way back then through an edm nanahi compilation that probably half of y'all know the existence of
I listen to it often but I don't have much to say on the lyrics as it's a song I listen to for the vibes mostly
Kikiki kick the base
This song is in WACCA and the chart is good:
Release Date:2021/04/03
Composer:emon(Tes.)・ヒゲドライバー 様
po pa po pa po pa pan
Hello. Sorry, it's been a long time since I've last posted Nanahira sotd
Recently, I've watched Girls Last Tour. It's a pretty cute anime about two girls, Chito and Yuuri. The anime has a bunch of cute moments overall, I might consider reading the manga too at some point
The anime is about the two girls trying to survive in a post-apocalyptic world, which barely has any humans left. They also try to uncover what remains of the human civilization that came before them.
Today's song will be a cover from that anime. "More one night" is the ED of Girl's Last Tour. Nanahira sings Chito's parts while Pomi sings Yuuri's parts, which I think is pretty fitting
The song is pretty slow, but its really good. For some reason I get nostalgia everytime I hear it. Also, I really like the illustration for this video. The art style is super cute, the way Nanahi and Pomi are drawn here, I love it so much
The song is about two girls finding themselves in a world that seems hopeless. Despite that, the song is cheerful, they find ways to enjoy themsleves and try to survive, today, tomorrow, and the day after. As long as they have each other, it will be okay.
The title "more one night" is a play on もう終わんない (mou owannai), which translates to "It's not over yet". If you say it out load it really sounds like "more one night"
That's all, thank you. I hope you all have a good more one night.
Game:Beatmania IIDX 22 Pendual
Release Date:2018/03/21
I'm glad to finally post this song! This song is very special to me so I would like to share some of my memories
Bassdrop Freaks was composed by Camellia at Beatmania IIDX(2014). And this one was Camellia's first IIDX song!
He named the genre of this song "A-Style Music"("A-style" is the abbreviation of "Akiba-Style"). This genre was also used in various songs such as PAPAYAPA BASS and ハードベース・フェスタ, greatly expanding the direction of his songs.
By the way, I didn't know much about Nanahira until I heard this song. I knew her song in only few song(Ponko2 Girlish etc). I knew from this clip uploaded in 2018.
When I first heard this song, I was really moved. It's a perfect combination of wobble bass and Kawaii voice, and I couldn't think of anything better. This song is still my GOAT. I immediately decided to buy GALAXY BURST and go on tour in 2019.
In the end, luckily Camelia was enough to be on tour in 2019, and luckily I was able to buy tickets, and luckily he played this song on tour. It's like a miracle
tbh I don't remember much about the tour(because I was too excited
), but it was definitely the happiest time of my life.
If this song is not exist, I surely never became a fan of Nanahira. It's a really important song for me!<:NanaThumbsUp:589062916372824085>
Album: Kawaii TBC Hacker (Track 02/03)
Release Date:2024/04/38
Release Date:2016/05/08
Singers:ULTRA DANCEHALL (Alstroemeria Records)
Lyrics:, Arrangement: Camellia
Stand up, feel the beat.
This song has a rather simple message but is a solid arrangement of the original piece by Camellia. The lyrics themselves are pretty straightforward, solid dance music like the rest of the album but with significantly more Nanahira. As a touhou fan I’ve barely played any Touhou games, but from my research all I could find is that it’s an arrangement of the stage 2 theme from *Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom.* This has no real bearing on the song though since the arrangement makes it feel quite distinct.
-Ungrave (written by ungrave, azu posting for ungrave because ungrave sleep
Release Date:2022/06/10 (ad), 2023/10/01 (Full max version)
Today is a bit late so we'll have two pretty close together.
Puni puni puni puni punirunes~~ (run run!) as a song that's both meant as a brain worm type of children's toy advertisement and as the theme for the anime that also seeks to convince children to buy the toy (and me) puni puni punirunes is what I'd rate 1000% on the catchiness scale. In case you don't know the basic idea for the toy is essentially a tamagachi type pet toy except this one comes with a small hole that contains a rubbery puni type material that you can squish to interact with the pet. There's also two seasons of anime lore for what these creatures are if you're interested.
Release Date:2021/04/08
Umapyoi Umapyoi!
This song is the anthem of the media project "Uma Musume".
There isn't an English version of the Uma Musume mobile game (yet), but the anime is also very interesting so I definitely recommend it!
You guys may won't be able to understand the English lyrics of this song, but the same goes for the JP version
This is a type of standard Denpa song, so the lyrics don't have much meaning.
It's natural that Nanahira's voice matches the Denpa song, but the illustrations by NekotoRina is also very cute!
Nanahi loves Agnes Tachyon so this illustration also uses some of her motifs (such as a white coat)
By the way, it seems that there are another ver by different singer for this song...I introduced it just in case
Release Date:2024/10/25
Album: Cover
Release Date:2012/09/22 (original song: 2009/10/21)
Composer:Mix Sumijun, original Stinky'O
Singers:ななひら ♡ Nayu ♡ Aya
Today is finally the day. Nanahira, truely the embodiment of bakunyuu. Full of dreams. Everyone loves her. She is eternal.
I've wondered for quite awhile what sort of converstations were had in the creation of this collaboration cover between Nanahira Nayu and Aya. The clear contrast in these three singing bakunyuu ondo emphasizing their modest and elegant figures (artistic representations). The description just says "surely bakunyuu!!!". Anyway I've always had fun with this song and hope it can brighten your day today as well.
To add extra thought to this I decided to look up the original composer of this song and see he's just listed with 4 songs, all about the same topic
Release Date:2021/04/25
I was quite surprised when I knew that this song was composed by Chroma. I think he usually composes in a chiptune style, so I had never heard of such a this genre. He was doing a great work!
わらしさん(Warashi-san) is a kind of Yokai from the Tohoku(north japan) region. Speaking of which,it's also the birthplace of Chroma.
Warashi-san lives in people's homes and brings wealth to them, but it is usually invisible to the human. So it often kill time by playing pranks by itself. Looking at the lyrics, it seems like that life is fun but a little sad
Release Date:2011/07/19
Singers:内緒妹, ななひら
Going back to the past for this one, one of the earlier anime OPs by ClariS from everyone's favourite 2011 magical girl anime. This is one of those cute OPs where if you look back at its lyrics after watching the series, the lyrics make more sense.
内緒妹's Niconico account seems to be gone now, but it looks like they were pretty active on there + did quite a few other collabs with nanahi. Overall this one makes the already cute OP even cuter IMO
Album: Make a Toast! (Track 02/04)
Release Date:2023/10/01
Album: プチリズム7♭
Release Date:2013/10/27
Love love chu chu love chu chu, Love love chu chu love chu chu, Love love chu chu love chu chu, Love love chu chu love chu chu
Yeah this denpa is highly hypnotic while being crazy and meaningless. Catchy enough that you can walk around all day saying love love chu chu. Her monologues are insanely funny to me while also being kind of depressing, and also vaguely hip hop
I'm grateful seriously grateful to nanahira for making this song. プチリズム7♭ has a lot of peak denpa.
Release Date:2022/03/26
Lyrics: (Thank you Ungrave!)
This is one of my most favorite songs! colate created a great groove and lyrics.
The lyrics seems to little sad, but we can clearly understand the girl's love.
colate introduced this song as "A song that conveys LOVE via 808". I don't know much about composing, but 808 probably refers to this. And at least,I feel this song is a banger
Release Date:2021/01/17
Release Date:2010/05/05
Lyrics:(JP/ENG): "ブリ(゚∀゚)ハマチ" "Japanese Amberjack(゚∀゚)Young Japanese Amberjack"
Nobody saw me accidently hit enter there.
Anyway since this one is later due to scheduling issues today I figured I'd go with something simple, one of nanahira's early Nicovideo covers of someone's shitpost based on a phrase from a track in the OST of the PS3 game Ar tonelico III: The Girl’s Song that Pulls the Trigger of World’s Demise. It's an 音MAD so even my research couldn't find much deep lore about it, but there's a history page on the meme here.
Release Date:2024/05/09
Release Date:2015/09/11
Himouto was a manga + 2015 anime about Umaru, a talented girl with top grades who transforms into a chibi cola-drinking chips-eating gaming loafer depending on her older brother the moment she gets home. Umaru cute.
This is a pretty old nanahi cover, the 2nd oldest on her YouTube channel. Her voice here though, is very close to the original so I'd recommend listening to the original too!
Album: MOTTOMUSIC 『Image.』
Release Date:2022/12/27
Run! Nana polka music is soo good I always love it. This song is just pure unadulterated fun, another entry in nanahira's wild dream songs that make excellent denpa. This one is one of her guest appearances in the MOTTOMUSIC CDs and they are always an excellent time. I love the part when they make her speak english and it's utter nonsense
I'd also put this one with her nanapomi song girl meets scramble in terms of excellent songs to listen to as you throw yourself forward in what you want to do.
Album: メイド・イン・きゅんクチュアリ☆ (Maid in Kyun-ctuary)
Release Date:2016/10/30
Album: Good night, Dreamer (Track 01/06)
Release Date:2024/04/28
the japanese lyrics are in the description, and english lyrics are in the comments by AsterioLight
nocti is so cute. another nananimal to hopefully see more of, this time a sheep (i don’t think she actually has a pet sheep, but a nocti plush would be so adorable). i really love Akki’s style, and it’s pretty distinguishable too
the little manga that comes with her recent albums are such a fine addition, similar to votre château you can see it in track 1 of both albums. it helps to visualise the story being told, really adds a lot of depth to the song
Album:Midnight Future
Release Date:2019/12/31
The Kotatsu is known as a trap that appears only in winter. -t+pazolite
I brought out the kotatsu in my house today, so I thought I should definitely post this
This is made by t+pazolite, but the genre is chill future bass. It's true, it doesn't force the vocal to sing like that
t+pazolite seems to like to include wordplay in his songs, and this song also has it.
それが私なりの"おこたへ"なんです(I swear that's my own "OKOTA-e [answer / to the kotatsu]")
great lyrics
by the way, I think he is GOAT because he added Nanahi's sleeping breath to the outro of this song
Album: La La Fav!
Release Date:2007/05/25 (original song), 2016/04/23 (Nanahira cover)
Composer:Jun Maeda (original)
La La Fav is Nanahira's anime song cover album which she released at 2016 spring M3, featuring a number of her favourite anime songs at the time (I'm sure the list has grown by this point)
She did a really good job on one of my favourites, Little Busters! as well as all the others in the album, but this one still makes me cry a little bit. It's the theme from a key anime/visual novel so I'm sure even without knowing anything about it you can probably guess what kind of emotion it carries
. I have very fond memories of both the anime and the game. I recommend it for sure if you haven't seen either. One thing that sticks out to me other than the big
point is the baseball practice minigame that was in the game version, where there's a whole bunch of cats on the field because Rin is always surrounded by cats. If you time your hits wrong the baseball will hit one of the cats and Rin will get mad at you and it was always the funniest thing to me.
"Your legs begin to walk, even through the coming adversity"
Album: ごーいん!(Track 09/16)
Release Date:2019/09/01
Album: Say cheese!
Release Date:2021/10/31
Album: ふぉーす!
Release Date:2017/12/29
Album:Lucky 7
Release Date:2016/05/08
Sanbai Icecream…(reference 6:05)
I like Last Remote and Hartmann's Youkai Girl(original songs of this) so I listen to this song often
but I noticed that I didn't really understand the lyrics so I read the lyrics carefully…
And now I don't understand the lyrics at all
at least,It seems to Koishi wrote a NSFW doujinshi and was ejected into space on a space shuttle as punishment.
Release Date:2020/05/05
She_side blue -> seaside blue, is what I've always assumed the title to be. I think it's fairly accurate looking at the lyrics. A solid sad breakup song with lots of imagry of the sea mixed in. Took me awhile to realize what the spilling salty liquid was but I guess those are tears. Also this song likes to put in lots of the "language of flowers" in there for things that I wouldn't be able to understand in 10000 years if I couldn't just look it up every time.
I think this is a great song to listen too while looking out into the sea (haven't been to the ocean since I've this song came out though so I'd like to hear someone else's impression of this experience)
Release Date:2022/11/05
Album:Snowy heart
Release Date:2018/12/30
Winter is coming
It's suddenly getting cold in Japan, and I also got a cold
colate's works are all great! I often take a walk while listening to this song, It makes me happy(but the lyrics seem kinda sad…)
I would to post this album's other song in this winter if its possible!
……I have a headache
You all please take care of your health
Release Date:2009/03/23
Francium is one of my earlier favourite Nanahira songs back from when I enjoyed music by randomly downloading everything from the top charts of osu onto my phone and running opioids around the city. A true denpa song, there's not a ton of lyrical analysis we can do since there's only like 6 coherent words outside of pure 🔥
Nanahi was quite quick on the draw with this one releasing her cover about 6 days after the original release on the 17th that month. I recommend everyone relax their eyeballs and vibrate themselves to this one.
Release Date:2021/06/27
With "Home*made Parade" and other home-based songs recently, I thought I'd make today a simple cover of another home-based song. This was quite the unexpected song choice since the original song was from 2009. Perfume is a pretty popular group, possibly best known for the song "Polyrhythm".
HOJI-sensei (who also did the art for "Home*made Parade" and other songs) did great with the art here too
Release Date:2009/10/6
Release Date:2019/04/28
Links:and Lyrics:**
This is the best oriental-denpa-music!
I love this song(and album), This song makes me happy
It's a not music game song, but it can play some music games(muse dash etc) so its also popular with Japanese otogamers
This song is also related to CHUNITHM song "萌豚 功夫 大乱舞". There are some similar lyrics to these, so I'd like to introduce them someday.
又此曲関連厨二病音楽提供楽曲"萌豚 功夫 大乱舞"。此二曲似歌詞発見可能(武術的調理 等)。我望萌豚楽曲紹介未来。
Album: Merrily night
Release Date:2018/10/28
Composer:, Lyrics: t+pazolite
Album: Force! (Track 03/17)
Release Date:2017/12/29
Composer:, Lyrics: Camellia
This song is so catchy I really love it
It's a parody of getting lost in Shinjuku train station, which is a big station in Japan
Probably Camellia got the idea of the lyrics because he experienced what it does to be lost in it
Great thing it's early in this album
Force album is almost Nana years old, let's not miss the birthday
Album: Wonder Trick (Track 08/10)
Release Date:2016/08/14
Release Date:2020/05/05
すぐ伝えたいよ 会いたいよ
I love the rhythmic melody of this song.
That is made up of electro swing and chip tunes, has a very pop feel that makes I want to hum it. However, when read the lyrics, it seems to slightly sad farewell song.
「いたい いたい ばいばい」
This lyrics are so interesting. I think it has three meaning
1 痛い:pain
2 居たい:want to stay
3 (あ)いたい:want to meet
Either way, I can feel her sadness
btw, I remember that 赤い靴 -its old Japanese nursery rhymes- when I listen ひめばこ. probably there are unrelated… imo
Release Date:2024/07/30
seize a Cézanne!
KAngel pastel KAngel menhera Ame overdose Ame self-harm
in pieces
Nanahi Nanahi 

cute Picasso
Ame Picasso
fragmented and collaged
and collaged
real people movement
cut and pasted
Release Date:2024/07/30
"I wanna seize a Cézanne!"
NEEDY GIRL OVERDOSE (NEEDY STREAMER OVERLOAD in countries outside of Japan) is a visual novel where you play as the manager for the livestreamer KAngel (real name Ame) and try to help her reach one million followers. The game visuals are heavy in pastel colours, contrasting with the darker menhera-type themes like drug overdose and self-harm that Ame engages in when the webcam is off
NEEDY has put out a number of popular pieces which are denpa-like in its lyrics in line with the menhera aesthetics of the game. Nanahi has helped provide the demo vocals for some of these songs, and Cubism is one of them
BLESS Nanahi for continuing to put out NEEDY covers 🙏
Cubism is another cute-sounding where the lyrics have a real darkness to them
In this one Ame compares herself to Pablo Picasso, one of the people that pioneered the cubism art movement. Cubism is an abstract art form where subjects are fragmented and collaged ("cut and pasted"), something that Ame finds herself relating to.
Album: Who is the predator?
Release Date:2016/12/31
Composer:, Lyrics: Kabotya
Album: Replay (Track 07/13)
Release Date:2015/08/14
Composer:, Lyrics: Camellia
Album: Mokou ~mokou the best~ (Track 05/08)
Release Date:2011/12/30
nanahira works with y0c1e date pretty far back
i never realised it goes all the way back to 2012. some stuff about touhou that’s pretty good context is that mokou drank the hourai elixir which grants her eternal youth, but she’s still as frail as before and feels the pain of injuries all the same. mokou is also rivals with kaguya (also immortal). now mokou escorts humans lost in the bamboo forest of the lost kind of as a duty she bestowed upon herself. she’s very reserved and kind of lonely, which this song portrays like lumps that overflow her heart. i say rival, but mokou and kaguya are actually just frienemies
i didn’t interpret the song correctly on my first go but 「あなたのせいでわたしは幸せ」shows that
Release Date:2017/2/24
When I listened this song(original ver), I noticed that Nanahi have uploaded this song's cover
This song is a OP song of けものフレンズ(Kemono Friends). And it was popular in Japan around 2017, Especially this song was introduced on various music TV programs!
This song features call and response. In this cover, this is expressed by a lot of nanahiras(?)
Album: MagiQute!! (Track 9/10)
Release Date:2012/04/30
Sometimes things get kind of tough and they get harder as I grow older. I've had a number of times in the past few years where it's been pretty
and I've gone and set this as my go to song for those moments. Doryaaaaaa!!! is what you shout when putting forth effort, exerting yourself beyond your limits, and not giving up. I don't know if anyone else really feels these lyrics touch them like that but for me this does it. I often list doryaaaa ojiisan as my favourite Nanahira song when asked (of course I can't pick) for this very reason.
The one line that really gets me (I recommend you follow the lyrics through so you can feel the emotions built up behind the line) is ||きみの小さなつぶやきもまだ聞きたいよ だから僕はまだ死ねない, But I still want to hear your small whispers again so I can’t die yet!|| which is what I often do think about Nanahira. I'm just a pathetic old man, but I have things I need to stick around for.
Album: Colory Starry
Release Date:2015/08/16
With ICONIC coming out soon, I though I'd pick one of the songs there that gets featured in live performances a lot — in fact Nanahi performed this at the "Home*made Parade" birthday stream recently since it's a home-themed song. Actually Nanahi seems to like this song so much that it was even in the previous best-of album "Confetti-Box".
This song is IIRC the first song featuring the character of Hirata Nanami. It showcases the type of girl she is — jobless, wanting love, but wanting someone else to come and get her instead of being the initiator herself. It's a bop of a song with a relatable love story
Album: Apprism (Track 08/10)
Release Date:2017/08/11
Album: LOP STEP RABBITS! (Track 01/05)
Release Date:2014/12/30
Release Date:2017/08/08
Links: (Unofficial)
I'm really into Touhou these days so I pick this song!
This lyric seems to be about Mare Tranquillitatis🌕
This song's original is from Touhou 8 Imperishable Night, but I think it seems to be also related to Touhou 15 Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom because of the lyrics(Mare Tranquillitatis is a place of Th15's final stage, and Artworks of this album is from Th15).
Is the genre of this song probably UK Garage? It looks rare at Camenana, but I love this rhythm! Great swinging
Album: Colory Starry
Release Date:2015/08/16
Album: Meltical sugar wave
Release Date:2015/10/07
Composer:Mitchie M
a a
maiku ok?
idk what meltical means but i'm melting to that song intro i really love her tone here
Very cute song overall
Another song I picked just for the vibes so i won't have much to say :NanaJam:
First cover i post here too
Meltical sugar wave is one of the rare albums that doesn't have its full album posted on youtube, which means I rarely have the opportunity to listen to it
, but it's an album I overall like
Original version is by hatsune midku:
you don't need a PhD to know how much i prefer the nanahira ver
I really want to confess my love to Nanahira
Album: DOWN DOWN DOLL -to the beginning 07- (Track 02/13)
Release Date:2016/08/13
i’ve been pretty interested in touhou lately, which prompted me to make a playlist of all her older touhou related works. unsurprisingly there is a whole lot, and the whole lot are all cute/cool
i decided to pick this for today’s song of the day without much reason, there was a lot of her songs with amateras records and akatsuki records (not sure how the two are related, if they even are) and i just picked one out of the pool. nanahira’s voice in this song fits chen’s mischief really well, and she manages to be cute too
this feels like orange and white cat behaviour (chen being neither)
Game: beatmania IIDX 27 HEROIC VERSE
Release Date:2019/10/16
This is a cover of Gabriel DropKick from the anime "Gabriel DropOut" where nanahi... sings as all four characters?! Gotta love Satania nanahi
This song was added to IIDX at the same time as "Ska-sh All Neurons!!" and was speculated to have been part of the cancelled 彩響DJアニクラゲ game. The original song has also appeared on other BEMANI rhythm games, namely jubeat and SDVX, but have since been removed whilst this cover version has remained on IIDX.
Don't forget to pay your respects to Satania-sama by visiting
Release Date:2021/04/25
Probably this is the first collaboration song at Nanahira and Feryquitous(and the first oriental music of Feryquitous,as far as I know). He did a very great work
琉金(Ryūkin) is a kind of 金魚(goldfish). so I remembered that ニエソナエ when I listen this song(the motif of ニエソナエ's artwork is goldfish too).
Also, these two songs have a similar atmosphere.
I don't know that meaning of 夢遊録, but 夢遊 means Parasomnia(walk in sleep) so It can be understand as fleeting like a dream.
tbh this song's lyrics is too difficult to understand so even I'm not sure the exact meaning of this song, but the mysterious atmosphere in this song and movie is so cool!
Album: Screamin' Showcase
Release Date:2021/12/17, 2021/12/22 (album)
Composer:t+pazolite, Cranky
Pico is a fairly famous singer in the rhythm game scene who often collaborates with Cranky (I guess they're married?) but she often sings in a totally made up language. Luckily for us, Nanahira seems to understand what she's talking about and somehow or other translates it into japanese for us! This was a collaboration song composed between t+paz and Cranky that on one side showcases the ethereal majestic sort of singing Pico does, which then maximizes the silliness of Nanahira as she very accurately translates it to whatever really. Insanely cute, insanely funny.
Album: GOIN'! (Track 13/16)
Release Date:2019/09/01
Doing today one of those songs that has the same album and song name
I really love this one, it's long and very catchy
As expected, the lyrics are a mess overall
It starts with a word that starts by "go" then everything goes crazy
This line is funny
Mango!! Anyone who thought I said something weird please die immediately.
I don't have much else to say, it's really fun to listen to and is one my favs from this album

Album: Wonder Trick (Track 07/10)
Release Date:2014/08/14
Album:Midnight Future
Release Date:2019/12/31
I think that Midnight Future has calm atmosphere, but it looks different from others!
ミライヌコ is filled with hopeful and cheerful power
Actually, Singing this song makes me feel better. and I do this often when I'm driving
I don't notice that this song's lyricist isn't EmoCosine. I don't know about S.Rinne,but at least I know that his word is so great too!
ファンからのラブなコール すごくたまら「にゃい!」
The call and responses with love from our fan is so meowsome!
(I'm not sure that I transrated this section well, but)This song has a lot of wordplay like this! and all of them is so Kawaii
Nyan Nyan Nyan
Release Date:2015/04/26
Love Chu! The powerful middle schooler love fighters of justice! Or something like that. Seems like the concept of this song is the trend for middle schoolers (specifically second years) to fight for something greater, and the nana koko chuuni pair shows great promise in this regard. Their attacks are based on love abilities with high girl power, I'm guessing influenced by anime like pretty cure and the like.
I quite like the part where they suggest the double meaning of the chu in love chu, between chu (kiss) and chu (middle in middle school).
Game: beatmania IIDX 28 BISTROVER (Genre: .+:☆ BAD FUTURE ☆:+.)
Release Date:2021/03/18
"Look only at me ♥"
In Camellia's words, this is a "dream-like, cute, chill, lo-fi, sparkling future bass" song... actually j/k it's not quite that — it may be future bass, but it falls under ye olde "lyrics don't really match how cute the song sounds" category. Rather than a dream, it's closer to a nightmare where the singer is trying to drown out their loneliness with bass music.
This song was commissioned as an image song for the pink-haired character Yamashina Shizuku, who is not only the sister of Yamashina Kanade (from SOUND VOLTEX), but apparently also a manager of "CLUB SWEETDXX" (similar to how Kanade runs a ramen shop). Apparently CLUB SWEETDXX is a "DJ × sweets" shop that promises the best (最the高) sounds and cheek-melting "Chemical Monster" sweets that you can simultaneously enjoy to test the human limit. What a concept.
The song itself is of course a very cute one, with some whispering, cute one-liners and the usual "Hai! Hai! Hai! Hai!". Personally it sounds as if Camellia took another song of theirs, "SCREW // owo // SCREW", and turned it into a Nanahira song. I'm a big fan of Shizuku's head tilt during the "Take a bite?" line, and the costume's so cute I have the Bad Sweets outfit on my IIDX Q*Pro (in-game avatar)! Big fan of Aoi Tagami-sensei's art!
Album: Harukaze Pochette
Release Date:2014/09/24
Release Date:2023/01/10
Album: rond de lumière
Release Date:2020-10-10, 2021-09-17
It's October! and not quite at halloween yet so I thought for today it would be good to look at the rond de lumière release for October, アスヲツナイデ.
The lyrics are fairly poetic so I can't really say my translation does the original much justice (or my japanese circuits are just shot today) but the main ideas of hope for the future, resilience, and some sort of promise get through. I think this song communicates more through the musical aspects though and the lyrics are more supporting. I find myself drawn to the starry sky imagery after spending a bunch of time last night taking pictures of the night sky that suddenly because visible pretty early in the evening as we go into fall.
Since it's super vibes based I think this is actually a really good song to ask you guys what it brings to your minds?
Release Date:2022/05/20
This cover is their second collaboration song.(the first is 愛のシュプリーム "Love Supreme", I would to post this song someday)
Nanahira also collaborates with Kinoshita on many songs. And all of them have an addictive up-tempo and cuteness that will keep I repeating them over and over again
I'm enchanted
btw, there is a "Nanahi's wonderhoi button" in comment section, by Suzushiro…… we should keep mashing this timestamp
Album: Meltical Sugar Wave
Release Date:2015/10/07
Hai! Hai!
Kiss you Kiss!
Hai! Hai!
Hug me Hug!
This song is really fun, really a jam to listen to
The lyrics are basically about a marriage between Nanahira and Prim. In the wedding, there are two brides, which is quite funny to think about
But that doesn't stop them from loving each other
When I was listening to this song, I was curious about the first part
You first have the typical questions being asked in a wedding, "スコヤカナルトキモ", ヤメルトキモ", and then there's these two questions that didn't really make sense to me at first
ジクオシガBADハマリシタトキモ (はい?)
マンナカノレーザーガスッポヌケタトキモ (何!?)
It turns out those were just references to Sound Voltex
There are also two other subtle references to SDVX songs. In the lyrics, there's a mention of "ヤサイマシ", which a reference to Yasaimashi ninniku abura oome sung by Nanahira, and "ビーンボール", which is a reference to Todoroke! Koi no beanball!! sung by Prim.
I actually don't know much about Prim, but she's appeared on many rhythm games too.
I tried seeing if other Nanahira x Prim songs exist, but I can't find any so this might be the only one in existence. (Please correct if I'm wrong)
Release Date:2012/12/31
Release Date:2022/04/24
This is easily my favourite low-voice Nanahi song and my favourite VOTRE song
The illustration is also one of my favourites, the mad scientist girl in the MV is very cute.
The industrial and digital sound effects in this song fit the science them well — I don't think I could have guessed that this was a t+pazolite song if you didn't tell me! The lyrics are also fittingly loaded with scientific terms.
Release Date:2022/05/12
Album: 虹色キャンバス (Track 01/07)
Release Date:2014/08/16
Release Date:2017/12/29
Catch Game Battle of Humankind vs. Ball-Throwing Robot Tamachan~!
Camellia made many denpa songs during this period(~2017), and this one is especially silly and funny
This song has a lot of ネタ……how should I say in ENG? meme or gag?
Her favorite throwing action is "throwing the spoon(throwing in the towel)"
トマト投げ祭り出禁 SCPも手を焼く
She bans from La Tomatina Its hard even for SCP
The business rival is seal
everyone in the world loves[citation needed] Tama-chan!
I like These lyrics
Camellia's imagination has no limit
Album: Apprism (Track 04/10)
Release Date:2017/08/11
Release Date:2022/12/24
Christmas of 2022 was great having received this as a gift along with many others. Don't force the vocalist like this was part of a muse dash pack of songs that are all insane bangers.
\No more mutya, oppose!/
This is a song written by t+pazolite the expresses nanahira's struggle with composers making her sing really fast high and difficult songs, pushing her to the limitis. Of course it's also top tier mutya and specifically does everything nanahi complains about. Then tpaz makes the pinned comment \もう無茶は、反対ー!/ (top of the paragraph) and nanahira's like "look who's talking!"
I think the main takeaway from this song is the funny dynamic between t+paz and nanahi that you can see going back many years. Fun fact with this release is that nanahira screwed up the release announcement for this song and granted t+paz one free mutya
Release Date:2024/09/01
Album: Screamin' Showcase
Release Date:(YouTube) 2021/12/29, (album) 2021/12/31
"I see~ ... you want to get messed up~ ... hehe"
This track is t+paz's foray into ASMR, featuring ASMR techniques such as using binaural audio (including moving from one ear to the other), simultaneous speaking in both ears, and a countdown. As an avid enjoyer of this sort of voice work, the fact that t+paz got Nanahi for this song is such a blessing! Nanahi does a great job at teasing the listener about how their brain is going to feel so~ooooo good and get all messed up
This is quite a rare treat since Nanahi doesn't do this sort of voice work in the first place — e.g. there's voice dramas like this one from 2021 and in albums like「もーっと☆ちっちゃいのっ!」, but they're not of this sort of ASMR nature.
When recording the album, the recording order was this song then Otoge-boss-kyoku-chan, prompting nanahi to ask "t+paz-san do you like mesugakis?"
(Fun fact: There's no official lyrics for this song, the lyrics booklet just says, in English, "You must see nothing when you listen to this.")
Album: Free Pl@ying
Release Date:2013-08-12
There's something about Monster Hunter that captivates denpa vocalists. By all means, it's a great series so I completely understand. Today's song is that love expressed through parody, a denpa way to go about it perhaps.
女流ハンターななひら奮闘記 is the tenth track of Free Pl@ying, a rather early Nanahira album from 2013. Released at Comiket 84 in 2013, this track marks the first time Tsukagoshi Yuuichirou (塚越雄一朗) and Nanahira worked together.
What we have here is the average Monster Hunter experience, especially when you're bad a videogames like yours truly! Described as a parody of a "certain hunter game" in a 2013 blogpost by Tsukagoshi, he briefly mentions how this song was built around the general theme of game sounds.
This of course comes as no surprise as the song is filled with sound effects which tend to be focused to the various skit segments interwoven between verses of the song. Both Tsukagoshi and Mizutani Runa (水谷瑠奈) offer their voices in this track which might be a bit surprising considering this is the first time they've done any work for Confetto. Certainly Tsukagoshi on vocals isn't exactly unheard of, but still quite rare.
Album: MagiQute!!
Release Date:2012/04/30
Release Date:2022-11-02
Composer:まらしぃ × 堀江晶太(kemu)
Singers:ななひら × nayuta
Hello everyone
Today is Nanahira sotd # 88☆彡
I really love this song. The song was originally sung by two vocaloids, Miku and KAITO, and was commissioned for Project SEKAI. I really like vocaloid songs, so I've listened to the original song shortly after it came out.
I was very happy when Nanahi and nayuta decided to cover it, because this song is so beautiful. When I first listened to it, they made the song 10x better
They added so much more emotion and life to the song. The way they accompany the piano I think is very amazing. Nanahi and nayuta's voices are incredibly powerful
The 88 in the title actually has two meanings: 88 is the number of keys on a piano, and 88 is also the number of constellations in the sky, which is a pretty cool coincidence.
The message of the song is pretty clear. Follow your dreams, and rush up towards those 88 stars!
Album: ふぉーす!(Track 12/17)
Release Date:2017/12/29
the lyrics to this song are so silly, it feels like a group of small nanahiras trying to tell a story made up on the spot
with some of them taking it more seriously than others. the whole song is riddled with jokes, and the play on words is wonderfully funny 🐴 with lots of “misheard” words. can’t help but sing along with the chorus
the buildup is also really well done, i feel like i’m about to be hit by a FORCE 🐴 there’s a bunch of references in this song, references to stuff like harry potter, madoka magica and a pretty strong star wars feel, as well as some chinese history that i’m not too familiar with. はいはいはーい! 私もフォース?的なの出したーい! ふぉ~~す! うわっ出てきた!キモ... うわぁフォースあっちこっち行かないで!戻ってこ~い!can’t stop laughing at this part
seems like the FORCE here is a sentient creature? for about half the song, the FORCE is more of the scientific kind, but i guess the nanahiras weren’t satisfied with it because they later decided a magical type FORCE would be better :bebemahou: the story gets rewritten and now “in the land of magic, the philosopher's stone gets thrown with a strong-“ (rest of the content is locked behind a dlc). i love how half assessed the story can be, with the あの辺りの(その辺りの)part
one day the FORCE will bring about love & peace
to the galaxy
Album: ごーいん!
Release Date:2019-09-01
Highly relatable and also topical song for use whenever experiencing any internet problems. I had a good period after 2019 when my internet was hacked together with a radio stuck on a pole on a camper in my driveway so this song basically became my theme song.
Primarily this song is groove, the lyrics are simple and easy to understand with a basic level of japanese, particulairly since most technical terms about the internet being shit are consistent between english and japanese.
Release Date:(short) 2014/02/06, (long) 2015/08/16
ませまてぃっく♥ま+ま=まじっく!was the first Camellia feat. Nanahira song in SOUND VOLTEX, and this was the second one. This was also the first song that got me properly into Nanahi (!) when I finally managed to try an SDVX cabinet in Hong Kong one holiday — I played the ADV chart a lot of times that day
Nowadays whenever I play the harder EXH chart, the effect before the chorus (0:57 here) gets me every time
The first Kanade song in SDVX (by azuma) was ramen-themed, and this one is conveyor belt sushi themed, starting a trend of Kanade at different types of food shops... although the song itself is actually from the perspective of a customer ordering! And like the maths-themed Ma+Ma=Magic, this song also has elements of love and romance in it
If you've ever wondered what the names of different sushi toppings are, this song sure is one way to learn! There's... so many mentioned
The song also features our favourite combo of Nanahi × "Hai! Hai! Hai! Hai!"
There's a lot of puns in the lyrics here. For example, right before the song's chorus we hear「サビ抜きで!」, which literally means "Without wasabi please!", but "sabi" can also mean the chorus of the song! There's also「いつか私の手も"握って"くれるかな 」meaning "I wonder if you'll 'hold' my hand one day too", with the 握って (nigitte, hold/grasp) being a reference to nigiri (hand-pressed) sushi. See the lyrics link for more notes!
For the long version in particular, Nanahi's cooking segment and the juice segment are very cute
They were great additions to the song when extending it into a long version!
Finally, did you know that the black button at conveyor belt sushi can be used to wash your hands?
Release Date:2021/04/25
This song is one of my favorites. Kabotya created a very good story and it is expressed by Nanahira's diverse voices.
This is probably inspired by some Japanese folktales. There is a folktale from the 14th century called "霊犬神社".
The story is about a dog that fights monsters to protect a sacrificed girl. Eventually, the monster is killed by the dog, and peace returns to the village. However, the dog also died during the battle, and people spread this story to pass on the legend of the dog.
From this we can imagine what happened to this song's girl(and dog,Shino)
By the way, I was going to post another song at first. This one is also created by Kabotya and it's dog themed…
Album: Colory Starry (Track 09/10)
Release Date:2015/08/15
Album: Free Pl@ying
Release Date:2013/08/12
Album: VOTRE CHÂTEAU (Track 04/07)
Release Date:2022/04/24
Album: らぶちゅ!
Release Date:2014/04/27
Singers:ななひら & ココ
Release Date:2021/08/14
Links:/ENG subtitles:
This song is a commemorative song for the 2nd anniversary of Ratna Petit, She is Nijisanji VTuber. Nanahira also participates as a twin vocalist, and their voices create a very cute atmosphere
The genre of this song is Kawaii Future Bass, and I think it's quite rare for Camellia to create this genre(Another example is Looking for a new adventure). I want to listen more Kamenana's Future bass!
By the way, the MV in this song is produced by a team called Studio Gohan. This team includes Iyowa(Kyukurarin), Harumaki Gohan(Melty Land Nightmare), etc so Many of you may have known of their names.
You all can understand their amazing work without any explanation
Album: I WANNA WANNA WANNA REMIX!!! (original: Good Evening, HOLLOWood)
Release Date:2018/12/29 (original: 2017/12/29)
What is the HOLLOWood? Some mashup of Halloween and Hollywood? Just some Halloween-themed woods (forest)? We'll never know...
This song actually has a sequel in the form of "Say Hello to HOLLOWood" (from the album "See you again, HOLLOWood"), but the singer for that song is Akagawa Nene from Alice Schach and the Magic Orchestra instead of Nanahira. Said sequel is also notably more chill and not Halloween vibes. One interesting thing about both albums also is that it uses a paper CD sleeve instead of a plastic one, and the lyrics and credits are behind little flaps.
Anyhow back to Party. I like both versions, though I'm more fond of the high-BPM remix. Nanahi's voice works great in this spooky song about ghosts entertaining a young lady with a banquet!
(In case you're wondering, "Sitchaka Metchaka" (しっちゃかめっちゃか) means chaotic / in a total mess.)
[insert concluding airhorn here]
Album: Candy time (Track 06/09)
Release Date:2015/12/31
(Seventy, seventy, seventyseven!)(はい!)
(Seventy, seventy, seventyseven!)(はいはい!)
(Seventy, seventy, seventyseven!)(はい!)
(Seventy, seventy, seventyseven!)(はい!はい!)
For the 77th song, I do ROUTE 77 of course
77 happens to be in my name, but it's not Nanahira related, it's the department where I live in France
I really love this song, it has heavy Initial D vibes, which is an anime I enjoyed watching 2 or 3 years ago. Camellia has such good taste to have composed that
My favorite part is the(ふっふー はい!はい! ふっふー なな!なな!なな!なな!)
(ふっふー はい!はい! ふっふー)
Candy time is an underrated album, featuring collaborations in each song
and most of them are great.
Let's listen to it more
Album: Replay! (Track 03/13)
Release Date:2015/08/16
This wasn't intentional but I'm keeping with the comfy theme of yesterday. I love walks, and I'm certain that it's this song's fault. Every time Nanahi used to stream she would have this as the bgm and I would spend the day humming it and going out into the sunny clear weather to talk a walk around town. It's really relaxing, there's nothing taking up my attention but going forward down the path. I've been using this song as a guide for how to take walks and it works amazing.
I actually take a walk almost every day now (not winter time usually) and it really just calms things down. Pa pa, shoo bee doo ba~ pa pa osanpo~ just by humming it I want to go outside like a dog hearing the word walk. I'm thinking if I have time this saturday I'll go take a walk around one of the parks in the city to maybe see some puppies running around. I love taking paths I've never taken before so I can end up quite far away. I usually put this song on a few times during my walks and it always puts a fun light bounce to my steps that unbeatable.
I've walked quite a bit today and am getting pretty tired so I think it's time to take off my socks, hop in bed and Zzz(¦3ꇤ[▓▓]
Album: Dear, My Days! (Track 04/06)
Release Date:2023/09/29
Composer:D.watt (IOSYS)
i love TODO so much, it’s another one of nanahira’s very relaxing songs. a to-do list for nanahira to do which all seems like pretty normal stuff, she’s getting stuff for a cat
talking about the future is also on the to-do list, future things to do, to do, to do, to do with you
君と私らしい、 新しい暮らしの話 is so sweet, and it’s such a good line too. also love the meows we hear in the song
D.watt is the one who composed lucky 7 and あたしのおへやジャングル and TODO is not similar to both of them (in my opinion). i was shocked to see that this was composed by D.watt, even more so IOSYS because i’m so conditioned to expect denpa when i see IOSYS and i don’t think TODO is denpa(?) maybe someone can correct me on that.
Album: Dear, My Days!
Release Date:2023/10/29
Hello, nice to meet many of you
Today is a pretty lighthearted song, my favorite from this album
This song sounds different from other Nanahira songs. This one doesn't really have a melody, yet it's still a very catchy one. I like it so much, being able to listen to her voice is very relaxing
The lyrics are about how life is full of mysteries no one knows the answer to. The future is uncertain, but Nanahi still believes the future is bright, and it's always better to keep going forward. I think these lyrics touched very deeply in me
I always want to be happy all the time, avoiding things that makes me feel sad. But Nanahi says
"一年中四六時中ずっと 楽しいだけなんてムリでも" (It's impossible to be happy all the time, like there's fun all year round)
I don't want to regret any choice I make, so most of the time I end up doing nothing. But Nanahi says
"名残惜しい昨日にバイバイ これから出会える明日掴んで" (Say goodbye to the regrettable yesteday, and grasp the tomorrow you'll meet from now on)
I'm the kind of person who only acts based on certainty. If it's not based on anything, I'm scared of what will happen when things go wrong. But Nanahi says
"絶対に夢は叶うんだ 根拠なんてなくても大丈夫" (Dreams definitely come true, it's okay without any basis)
I think the title, "Girl meets manything", means Nanahi encounters many things in her life, both good things and bad things are precious to her.
So yeah, this song holds a lot of meaning to me.
Some day I'll get through this
...I hope.
Well, I hope you all have a bright future
Album: Colory Starry (Track 7/10)
Release Date:2015/08/15
Release Date:2019/08/26
Composer:Neko Hacker
"Did everyone bring their towel?!"
Home*made Parade just came out, so today I thought we'd look back on another Neko Hacker feat. Nanahira song composed as the title song for a Nanahi live. Shuwa*Par was composed for Nanahi's 2nd one-man live in... 2019!? Darn that's 5 years ago, time flies.
The Shuwa*Shuwa Parfait event had two parts — a live performance part (feat. nayuta and mega), and a separate birthday party + quiz part (limited spots). You can hit up #しゅわパル on Twitter to see some pics from the time (especially this one and also this one feat. dancer LEO as George from the hamburger Trip Frolic song), though you won't find any photos of most of the event itself since it was banned.
The song itself is about enjoying summer, or rather about surviving the summer heat by enjoying shuwashuwa (bubbly) sodas and eating a parfait. Because the song was composed for a live, there's a lot of places where the audience can join in by shouting, or by flinging their towels in a circle. The audience calls are so fun to do!
Release Date:2020/08/13
Lyrics:Pasta pasta peperoncino
Album: Dear, My Days!
Release Date:2023/10/29
Album: らぶちゅ!
Release Date:2014/04/27
Composer:task (2-dimension)
Singers:ななひら & ココ
I really love Nanahira. Like, a lot. Like, a whole lot. You have no idea.
I hope you all have a nice day today
For Nanahira sotd #69, I thought the "I love Nanahira-san" song would be the best choice
The title of this song is very self-explanatory. It's literally just, Koko simping for Nanahi throughout the entire song. When I first heard about this song, I can't stop laughing
Koko here is the embodiment of all Nanahira fans out there. The way Nanahi responds as Koko says all these compliments in front of her is just...
Oh my goodness Nanahira is just so cute
Today I've just read the translated lyrics, and wow, its a lot more unhinged than I first imagined it
I very very highly recommend that all of you read the lyrics in its entirety, I'm sure you all won't stop giggling
Thank you so much to Ungrave for translating this masterpiece of a song.
Love! Love! Chu! Chu!
The entire song definitely feels like that one Nanahira copypasta, but with Koko singing. Nanahira is so cute
The cherry on top is when Nanahira says "わたしだってだいすきよ" (I love you too) at the very end, super cute!!
I think everyone in this server can relate with Koko here. I will never get tired of listening that sweet, angelic voice of hers. Let's all get infected by Nanahira virus
Album: Secretale (Track 07/10)
Release Date:2016/12/31
such a cute song, this one is very fun to visualise in your head 🥕🥕🥕 the detective’s design is really cute and detailed, long ears for eavesdropping on bad people conversations
her carrot hair pins makes her even cuter and the pipe adds coolness points. poor bunny detective doesn’t seem to get much sleep though
we’ll definitely do smart cookie like me someday, and we can talk more about her
Album: Sleep
Release Date:2016/08/14
Album: Secretale
Release Date:2016/12/31
I was kind of hoping for a more somber song today and I certainly picked one. This has always been a very beautiful song with Nanahira's clear and serious voice. I was never really aware of the despair in the song though. Secretale is a very interesting album, a book full of stories. Some of them are happy, some cute, some... well I'm a big fan of the tragedies as well.
Petals is a classic type of tale, a hero's story. I'd recommend listening through with the lyrics before reading discussions about it because it's really a beautiful story that unfolds not long in the lyrics but the instrumentation and Nanahira's voice really put the emotions into you as you listen.
The premise is simple, a hero of justice who must defeat evil. And yet he's terribly saddened by this, lamenting his fate at having to meet her this way. She saved him, and now he must use the light in his hands (hero sword) to strike her down. Then he follows. I really like the picture that goes with it in the lyrics book, showing her kissing him on the forhead as he cries, petals falling and blood on his sword. The specifics of what their relationship isn't actually given so I enjoy filling the gaps in the narrative with my own expectations.
Album:Midnight Future
Release Date:2019/12/31
え アタシ!?
I'm happy to post Midnight Future's song. I really like Nanahira and Future Bass
This song is the first track on Midnight Future. This album is about the night and the future (literally), so every time I hear this song, I imagine the beginning of the night.
I love how it sounds like a parade of build-up and drop. It seems to represent a dream after falling asleep or free time before falling asleep.
Let's enjoy it all night until dawn breaks
Release Date:2023/08/31
Pi-! Pi-! Pipipi!
V7V is almost a year old now, having been added to SDVX at the same time as Kanade's Live2D avatar (voiced by Nanahi) last year. I'm going with this song this week because there's little lyrics to explain — it's ye olde classic case of using Nanahi as an instrument for this summer samba remix
There's also a few "hawawa"s thrown in, which is something the main character Rasis says a lot in SDVX, plus some narration but that's about it. Most of it is just PI PIPIPI PIPI PI PIPI PI PI PI PIPI PI PI PIPI PI
The song art is a reference to the jacket of the original song Voice 2 Voice, almost exactly 10 years before V7V. Kanade's pose is the same as Rasis', with the "KONO BUTA YAROU!!" being a ramen reference also made in Kanade's first song in SDVX
Album: ばーさす!
Release Date:2014/08/17
Album: ななめが王国 (Track 01/08)
Release Date:2019/10/27
Album: Sleep!
Release Date:8/14/2016
Album: Confetti-Box
Release Date:2016/03/22 (trailer), 217/12/29 (Confetti-Box album release)
This isn't a song I'd thought particulairly much about until recently. Of course I regularly listen to Confetti-Box, but this time I was suddenly struck by how pretty this song is. I asked Azunyan for a picture of the lyrics page and translated it right away, and it's a nice song about growing up well. I was going to leave it at that but then I noticed at the top of the page that this was the opening theme song to “Pocket Girl~ Hunting the Devil”.
I still haven't really played much of the game but suddenly everything makes sense, as I'm a huge sucker for bishoujo game theme music
. In this one it looks like an imouto raising adventure game. I'll definitely be playing through it when I get the chance.
The song was composed by はるなば, who you might know from doing Chocolate Gravity as well as a number of other nanahira songs. 喋蝶結び from secretale, LOVE!1/8スケール, やっちゃえ!C:ドライブ, and a bunch more.
Release Date:2016/03/13
Lyrics:(JP/ENG): (Thank you Ungrave san
Dango dango dango dango motto motto Ku☆Wa☆Se!
There is a full moon tonight so today I post a song related to that!
In old Japan, there was a culture of eating dango in full moon day(Tsukimi). This is because the moon and dango look similar.
So she keeps eating dango and somehow becomes muscular rabbit. that is all of this song
By the way, we can hear Nanahira's very rare singing voice in this song. Her voice in 1:05~ part (見てくれ そうMy body) is so… erm, I don't know that how should I explain
Anyway, you'll probably understand what I mean once hear it.
Let's go outside and view at the moon tonight🌕
Album: ななみっくす!-nanamix-
Release Date:2012/07/07
Singers:ななひら and 春歌ナナ
This is one of Nanahira's oldest songs. I think it's the second ever song by Nanahira and Camellia (the first one being Are you LADY!?), and I love it so much. I can't get enough of it
For those who don't know, Haruka Nana is an UTAU made by Nanahira. So you could think of this song as like Nanahira singing with her daughter
The music and lyrics are super cheerful, and the MV for this song has a super cute artstyle too.
The song is about how rainy days can be fun too. Sometimes, it can be nice to go out with an umbrella and stroll through the city, hoping to see a rainbow at the end of it.
The word teru teru bouzu is mentioned a couple times, which is a Japanese doll hung outside the window to hope for sunny days.
The song also has a Nana Koko version too.
In this version, Koko sings Nanahira's parts, while Nanahira sings Nana's parts instead.
There's also one line of difference between the lyrics of the two songs. In this version, Nanahira asks "あ、遊びに行かないっ?///" (W, want to go play?), and Koko responds with "うん、行こっ!" (Sure, let's go!)
This is one of my all-time favorite Nanahira songs
Release Date:2019/08/29
Singers:~~虹咲ミナ~~ ななひら
(」・ω・)」Uー!(/・ω・)/ Nyaー!
This is a remix of the opening from the 2010 anime "Haiyore! Nyaruko-san" ("Nyaruko: Crawling with Love"), which was to be included in an anime-centric BEMANI rhythm game that was quietly cancelled after location tests. Eventually a lot of anime song remixes for that game went to other BEMANI games, including a whole ~~five~~ four (!) remixes featuring nanahi going to SDVX. This is perhaps my favourite of those! Nyaruko's OP was pretty popular when it was airing, so there's a bit of Niconico nostalgia there.
Album: uni
Release Date:2024/04/28
Composer:Ray_Oh, CHOUX
Album: Replay (Track 09/13)
Release Date:2015/08/14
Album: Wonder Trick (Track 4/10)
Release Date:2016/08/14
Singers:ななひら, まろん(?)
Oishkunare, moe moe kyuuun~~
Truly a delicious meal, this song is. Super long song lyric wise so I've been steadily working on it in the background for awhile and noticed that Wonder trick came out on the 14th so I decided to make this the song of the day one day late (still safe in my timezone).
One of the most narratively driven nanahira songs while also being denpa enough that a good chunk of the lyrics straight up don't make sense. The Space-time transcendent net Idol story. I'm thinking I may have made a mistranslation somewhere though since I'm not sure how exactly the conflict was resolved with my interpretation of the lyrics...
Of course the lyrics themselves are almost outshone by how fun it is to listen to this song, particularly to sing along to the Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti voice training parts. Super high powered audience participation, it's almost compulsory to sing along with it.
One thing that I never noticed was that Mippi was short for Ms. PIG, as a representation of moe pigs. Fellow moe pigs, how do you do? She's certainly trained me alright.
Game:Muse Dash
Release Date:2020/7/31
Hi Gaming-Everyone!
Today I post about greatest Gaming-songs. Let's listen to this song and shine in 16.77 million colors
I love the songs that she sings about the game, Video games give us a lot of excitement and fun. I would like to post Looking For A New Adventure someday.
This song is Kawaii up-tempo hardcore.
I especially like how her voice pitch rises and falls during "Tenjou Ten-Gaming" it's very funny
Camenana's Kawaii Hardcore always brings us energy!
By the way, I tried translate lyrics to English at first time. It probably wasn't good so Ungrave helped me. Thanks a lot
Album: GrandSlam
Release Date:2016/12/29
Album: りぷれい! (Replay!)
Release Date:2014/08/14
Pink Panik, Wow ❤️
For today here is my favorite Nanahira song of all time with her loli voice
The song starts very well and transitions perfectly into 1:38 I really love this kind of instrumental
Happy day,lovely day,everyday!(Peace)
Words are not enough to convey how much I love this song
but I'll do my best
It's full of happy, good vibes and features a cute title as well as a bunch of cute nanaenglish
Jump,jump,jump so high!
Dance,dance,dance all night!
Literally what I wanna do right now but it's 5am
Song talks about running away from daily life by drawing and painting a new life
I definitely relate to that as I'm (too) often unhappy with life
so I procrastinate on the web ; at least nanahira always makes me smile
Keep painting!(Yayayay)
Album: はいぱぁ電波これくしょん! -フリーダム★東方編-
Release Date:2014/05/11
Composer:sumijun (Halozy)
I've been procrastinating so much from my art project this is the perfect song for my current state of things aaaaaahhhhh. This is basically an ADHD last minuting things song.
This song's all about working on a project (here composing a song arrangement) right before the deadline. The singer knows that everyone's expecting things from them so they're panicking... then 🎤 S U D D E N 🍣 M O T I V A T I O N 🐟 strikes and they hurriedly turn on their mic and sing all the way to 2am. Later on they're working on the song's second part... then
S U D D E N 🕑 M E L O D Y 🪄 strikes and they hurriedly turn on the PC to work on the song until the end. At the very end they ask the listener to wait just a bit longer because it's going to be a good song, before declaring O WA RI (done)!
If you've only heard the short version, try listening to the long version too! It's got a bit of the cool nanahi voice.
The standout part of this song though of course is the MV animation. It'll never fail to make me laugh
Album: Midnight Future
Release Date:2019/12/31
Good evening everyone!
To put this week to an end, here is a song from Midnight Future. This is one of those songs I really like to listen to as I'm about to sleep. I found it pretty catchy.
The lyrics of this song seem pretty sad. It's about a girl who was heartbroken
But instead of letting these thoughts affect her too much, she decides to just go to sleep and have a good night. Saying goodbye to those problems away, and hoping that tomorrow will have good luck.
I think the lyric
背筋伸ばしてた 強がった 傷跡に絆創膏 隠してた
またどこか 誰かさん 新品の傷くれた
is what hit me the most, because it means she was heartbroken for a second time. It hurts a lot to have it happen again
The music for this song accompany the lyrics pretty well. It starts off softly, and gradually becomes more upbeat while Nanahira still softly sings "Good night, good night", forgetting all those problems, as she enters into her dream.
Another banger song from Camellia and Nanahira
I guess it's also almost time for me to head to bed. Good night, good night Nanahira server!
Albums: ちっちゃいのっ!, もーっと☆ちっちゃいのっ!
Release Date:2013/04/27, 2013/10/27
This one is a ton of fun. kono lolicon domome~. ちっちゃいのっ! is the first song for the album ちっちゃいのっ! as well as the last song in もーっと☆ちっちゃいのっ!. Both albums are very fun and cute. All the songs are cute and there are also two voice dramas in ちっちゃいのっ! and four in もーっと☆ちっちゃいのっ!. They all feature elementary schooler Nana and Momo.
Translating this one was a lot of fun. I don't have a book for it and didn't see any transcripts uploaded online so I tried my best to transcribe it by ear and Saburou helped me with things I couldn't make out or made mistakes on so huge thanks to him. Favourite line is probably either セクシーナイスボディB連打ヤメてください。(BBBB!) or お兄ちゃんは魔法使いなの わーわーわーしゅごい!すごい!(魔法見せて~).
For the longest time the one thing I got out of this song was their cute shout このロリコンどもめ~.
Game: Musedash
Release Date:2022/12/23 (game), 2023/5/1 (album)
Composer:Neko Hacker
" >Links
import NanahiraVirus as Nanahi
import NekoHacker as Neko
song = readwav('EndlessErrorLoop.wav')
Nanahira sometimes sings songs about computers and engineering(ex.人工知能:あるふぁ〜☆GO!or インターネットが遅いさん), and these lyrics are one of my favorite.
I am studying computer science at university and will be getting a job as a programmer next year. So I love this song and I can understand the pain this song conveys
The lyrics of this song are about various errors and issues faced by programmers.especially in my case, I can relate to the lyrics “解決方法見つかったとして 英語は全く読めない(even if I find the solution,I can’t use it cuz English is too hard to read)” the most
Also, the lyrics "Thank you Qiita, teratail, stack overflow" are funny. These are all programming question sites, and I actually used them ~~and ChatGPT~~ many times in my university classes
Neko Hacker described this song as "programmer's nightmare" and "I want you to cry when you hear it". I think it fits perfectly
Game: SOUND VOLTEX II -infinite infection-
Release Date:2013/7/3 (game), 2014/8/17 (album)
Album: Starry Presto
Release Date:2009/12/30
Album: VOTRE CHÂTEAU (Track 02/07)
Release Date:2022/04/24
i love how much the songs in votre château paint an image of the characters and their lives. and many of the songs are also paired with music videos that even further illustrate the setting of the song. there’s a lot to talk about, unfortunately some of it is fanbox content so i highly encourage people to become a fanbox member
feryquitous was a name i didn’t recognise right off the bat but i knew they had other songs with nanahira, it wasn’t until i searched it that i realised they also did 琉金夢遊録 from いろは七不思議探訪記
i couldn’t find any more but it just feels like there’s more than two
Release Date:(short) 2015/04/01, (long) 2019/08/12
This is my all time fav Nanahira song, because the long version is 9 whole minutes of insanity and it has a lot of Kanade references
For those who don't know, Kanade is the ramen chef girl in an orange apron from SOUND VOLTEX
— artist-character relations are rare in the game, but Kanade is so associated with Nanahi that at one point she even received a "Kanade Award", and recently even voiced Kanade's lines in-game officially.
"Soflan" is a rhythm game term referring to sudden big BPM changes in a song, named after a bug with the beatmania IIDX song "SOFT LANDING ON THE BODY". The Soflan-chan song lyrics references this with 軟着陸 (nanchakuriku = soft landing), and the song itself has, well... a lot of tempo and time signature changes. Wow look at this pretty project file that's all black!
The song starts with a restaurant owner being late to the opening of her curry shop. To make it there in time, she transforms into Soflan-chan, asking the listener to close their eyes as she does so. Along the way to the shop she defeats the demon king Yon Bunno Yonbyo Ushi (= 4/4 time signature) with a ~~wobble beam~~ WABURU BIIIIIMU, gets quizzed on the current time signature by a Yukkuri voice ("It's 5/4 ti- ... huh you changed it again!") ... then realises she should be hurrying not singing.
In the middle, due to her hurrying, Soflan-chan runs into a yakiniku shop that uses phoenix meat, a jiro-style ramen shop, and a conveyor belt sushi store, messing up all these stores that are references to past Kanade songs. That is, until... huh. It was a dream? No way... Soflan-chan has no choice but to use the magic of Dal Segno Da Capo to rewind time ("4 and 33, the inverse viola, ... negative 3/4 time~!!")
On her second run, Soflan-chan uses the WABURU BIIMU KAIIIIII to defeat the snares that have switched from offbeat to onbeat, and once again gets quizzed by the Yukkuri voice... who asks how many times the song has changed time signature so far (Hint: it's a natural number). Soflan-chan has no idea... ("100-200-400 times...?")
Eventually Soflan-chan makes it to the curry shop, but it's a mess!? Could it have been the demon king!? What!? A speed star came through... making that shockwave !? Whose fault could that have been...
There's more puns and references than what I've listed above, my favourite of which is when the girl says she is the 店長 (tenchou, shop manager) at the start. If you listen closely, the song at that point undergoes a 転調 (tenchou, pitch shift)!
On the SDVX art, the other chara that's not Kanade is Rimuru, originating from a different SDVX denpa song.
(Side note if you're wondering what norinixity means, it's just 乗りにくい (norinikui = "hard to groove along to") noun-ified with -ity. Classic Camellia.)
Release Date:2017/12/29
I've been meaning to do this song for awhile. It's one of the prettiest Nanahira songs and yet for the longest time I've had basically no idea what it was about. It's one of Nanahira's serious voice songs and puts a ton of emotion into it. I guess camellia had a fun time with this one since the lyrics are all written in weird kanji and archaic phrases. It fits perfectly though.
Took me awhile to realize that the song was from the perspective of a satellite that I'm guessing is orbiting the earth (though I can't rule out a solar orbit) and was built soley for the purpose of observing the earth's surface. It deals with the astronomical amounts of time that pass with it just orbiting untethered, breaking down, aging, and destined to eventually come crashing back down to the surface. It kind of struck me hard when I got to the line "what do you love? do you love me?" (君は何が好きですか 僕は好きですか)
Release Date:2019/04/28
I knew about this album and song from TANO*C TOUR 2019.
I still remember the excitement of buying this CD in a club, and hearing Bassdrop Freaks live afterwards was one of the best times of my life.
This song has a great up-tempo rhythm and oriental sound (as well as her singing voice of course), but I also focus on the lyrics.
It's about a Japanese cult,(it means"sacred ritual") which is terrifying when you focus on the lyrics.
The line "ニエクナエ シンソナエニエ" which appears in the lyrics is a type of Japanese mantra, and when expressed in kanji it means "offer a sacrifice, offer a life for sacrifice."
In ancient Japan, there was a custom called "人柱(hitobashira, human pillar)" in which living people were sacrificed to the gods, and I think this song expresses that. tpz creates very mysterious lyrics and her voice matches them very well.
Nanahira is not only cute, she also has a very beautiful
this song conveys that well.
Album: Ultimate Synthesis
Release Date:2010/08/14
I feel a bit nervous because I'm not sure what to write here exactly
The first two Nanahira songs I ever listened to (before I even knew about Nanahira) was Bassdrop Freaks and Frightfully-insane Flan-chan's frightful song, so this song holds lots of memories to me. Flandre also became my favorite Touhou character, all because of this song
The song is super cute and playful. The lyrics are so full of energy, and you can hear Nanahira making lots of cute sounds.
It's also a jam to listen to. (Halozy is so good)
I love it so much, it's just cuteness all the way from start to end, and brings a smile to my face everytime I hear the song
I discovered this song through osu! I first played the game at around 2015, so I think this song was still pretty new back then. I found it in the recents tab by pure chance. I remember playing this song everyday because it was really fun. I will never get tired of her cute voice
As I searched for more songs to play, I kept hearing the same cute voice again. At that point, I learned about Nanahira, and she has always become my favorite singer ever since. From there I discovered that Bassdrop freaks, my first ever favorite song, was also sung by Nanahira! I continued to download more of Nanahira's songs and played them, I would start filling my playlists full of just Nanahira.
I really love Nanahira so much
Also I'm about to reach the character limit now so b-
Album: Force! (Track 09/17)
Release Date:2017/12/29
Album: Screamin’ Showcase (Track 07/10)
Release Date:2021/12/31
quite a unique song for today, you can probably imagine how confused i was on my first listen
i thought it had english lyrics but i couldn’t make it out. i saw “aih ma Evol ezilaer Evol” and thought the lyrics were backwards but it still doesn’t make sense. i don’t believe this song is just gibberish and someone must’ve cracked it right? or at least have a pretty big idea of how to make sense of this song. maybe it just needs to be unscrambled, i have no idea
i want to know what each of you have made out of Ukakuf Kins
Release Date:2020-11-10
Today I figured I could use some relaxing, optimistic, slow nanahira. This is my second time dipping into the rond de lumiere pool of songs but I just think they're very pretty. I think my favourite line in the song is 「強い約束」を 移り変わるけど 君となら (even if "strong promises" can change, if it's with you) 
I noticed that the currently uploaded jp lyrics are a bit off in some places so I referenced my copy of the album to check for the official transcript. Funny thing was that it wasn't perfect either, and they missed the と on the これからもずっと in the print.
Release Date:2019/07/12 (location test), 2019/10/16 (online update)
As we speak, the arcade rhythm game beatmania IIDX is location testing its 32nd release (PINKY CRUSH). A nanahi song has been added in every IIDX version since version 21 (except for 23) and for some time said new nanahi song was always made available at launch — this is one of those songs (for version 27 HEROIC VERSE). A few characters from previous IIDX nanahi song vids appear in the video for this song, and the green-haired girl in this video would later appear in POLꞰAMAИIA's vid.
The song itself is an addictive up-tempo one featuring everyone's favourite combo of "hai"s every second beat and nanahi shouting English phrases every 10 seconds. SKA, dou deSKA?
Album: Berry Pop/Sweet Berry Love (Track 02/02)
Release Date:2021/01/05
Album: ばーさす!
Release Date:2014/08/17
This time is one of those songs that always makes me sit there and think. Each year passes more quickly than the last, even now it's already almost august of 2024 and it feels like the year just started. Today also feels like it just started but it's already the end of the day (sorry for being late on this one
It's already Friday too, the weekend is here again even though it feels like it was only yesterday that I was watching pomi taisou to kick things off after the weekend. Make sure to enjoy things as they pass by leisurely.
Album: ふぉーす! (Track 06/17)
Release Date:2017/12/29
i love how playful this song is, camellia is a lyrical genius. i feel like i may have missed a few gaming terms here
it’s already been mentioned but 4orce! really is a crazy good camenana album, 17 songs and they all rank #1 in the album. also have to mention how hard it is to get my hands on 4orce!
also does anyone know what the “(x127 Long ver.) mean? it’s titled this way in the song list but i don’t see nor hear any difference. my first listen to You Make My Life 1UP made me envision nanahira as a game nerd who has the wiki for games memorised as well as all the calculations, i mean this only in a good way. can’t say for sure if my visual representation of her back then was too far off
nanahira makes my life 1up, bless her for being a huge part of my life
Album: プチリズム7♪
Release Date:2013/10/27
One of my long standing projects is to make really good omurice. Thankfully Nanahira has me covered with this song on how to make the perfect omurice
One day I would like to eat some nanahira omurice but for now I'll settle for my own cooking in Nanahira's name. If you have the ingredients over the next day or so, try to make some omurice and post it here! For the name, you know what to write.
Release Date:2022/12/24
Album: Isekai Travel, Neko Hacker II: Stray
Release Date:2020/11/01
Composer:Neko Hacker
One of the many neko hacker "don't put off living your best life" type songs. This has been a long time favourite of mine and it's crazy to think that the video for it only dropped in march. The mv is sooooo cute hold moly. See if you can identify all the neko hacker/nanahira references scattered throughout the video.
As I've participated in the Neko Hacker community I've really gotten a good sense of how I need to be living my life a bit more freely. I've stopped spending my days off just sitting in my bed and I make sure to actually do the things I want. I've always been thinking "I'll do it after ***" but ultimately that's not going to get me anywhere. Super glad to be a part of all this and I'll continue to give it my best. ||Reason I did this song today is because I wasn't really feeling motivated to post anything and thought of this song||
Album: It’s a Message for you (Track 06/07)
Release Date:2022/12/24, 2023/04/30
everything about 届きますように is so cute, i recall being excited the whole day for nanahira christmas song 2022. i tear up a little every time i listen to this song, IMU is so well made and i’m glad that this included. it’s very fitting for IMU after all so i would’ve been surprised if it wasn’t. i get similar feelings listening to ラリリレル、リリロ、リラロ
it’s so cute but i get cry when listening to it.
i finally remember who murAta Yuzi is and why he was pretty commonly found on my twitter feed. this is definitely one of my favourite chroma featuring nanahira song. 春日いづれ artworks are so cute too, i left a link in there if you’d like to check out more of their works
Album: ふぉーす!
Release Date:2017/12/29
Heart beat! Overhea\~\~\~\~\~\~\~to!! The camenana albums are just so good in every sense, 4orce! is insane
This song has velocity and spin. The nanalectrons in my brain put me in bullet time mode whenever I listen to it. Note that I have a different song in mind when it comes to acceleration, this one is fast!!! and the like.
Lots of relatable situations in here, being asked about my plans is definitely one of those things that set my heart into overdrive
. I highly recommend running to this song in your last spurt if you want to maximize your energy expenditure.
Album: Say Cheese! (Track 03/07)
Release Date:2021/10/31
Albums: すりーぷ!, LOP STEP RABBITS
Release Date:2014/12/30, 2016/08/14
This is a long time favourite of mine, one of my prime examples of what serious voice nanahira can put out. I often put this one on with my less denpa minded friends and jammed to it on the way home. It's got such a great flow to it and I love every second of it.
This is also one of those songs where even hearing the lyrics spoken and knowing what the words meant I never actually processed them with my head. It's a surprisingly sad, lonely type of song. Focusing on it now I do feel that from her voice, that's the "Woo oh oh" isn't that happy, but rather a bit lonely. Brings a slight tear to my eye.
It's really a beautiful piece.
Album: Screamin’ Showcase (Track 09/10)
Release Date:2021/12/31
Album: Colory Stary (track 4/10)
Release Date:2015/8/16
Composer:y0c1e, Lyrics: waniwave
Ahh what a cute song this one is. One of my favourite subgenres of Nanahira's is her "cute date with nanahira" type songs. y0c1e does some bangers clearly since this is actually the second time we have one of their songs as a song of the day, and I only have five of his in my library. The other one we've done is こんな歌, which makes total sense with the music box sounds. They also did 脇役じゃ終わらない! which I'm sure we'll feature soon enough.
Waniwave did a really good job on the lyrics too. I had to look them up and saw
, but still don't have much of a sense of what they do otherwise. Seems like rap maybe?
Honestly this is in my top list of Nanahira songs to go strolling around to, so if you have some time today and the weather's good, I'd recommend that.
Album: Shooting Snow 2012 (Track 06/10)
Release Date:2012/10/07
this is supposedly the first camenana song so it gets bonus significance points, i couldn’t find any other camenana songs before this so i believe it. i never would’ve guessed that this was composed by camellia on my first listen if i didn’t already know that, his style seems to have changed quite a fair bit. nanahira’s voice is so angelic here, this was definitely one of my most listened to songs in 2023. i wish song was more well-known, so many camenana songs and they already started out this good of a duo
it’s incredible. i want to know, what are your impressions of this song? i feel like i don’t know how to put mine into words.
Album: Candy time (Track 8/9)
Release Date:2015/12/31
Singers:ななひら, NU-KO
Lyrics MTL:
The whole candy time album is an interesting piece, for today's song we're looking at ハートのチラリズム, which seems to be Heart Chirality in English on streaming services. It's a duet piece with NU-KO who is someone I previously wasn't very familiar with, but seems to be prominent in Pop'n. Lyrically it's pretty simple, but I really like the way the chorus comes in.
Don't take the translation I posted too seriously, I'm pretty sure it's losing a bunch of nuance. I find the title very interesting, particularly with what it was given as an english name. "Chirality" is a geometric property regarding asymmetry, whereas チラリズム as far as I understand it is something like giving a small glimpse of something (typically lewd), which is played with in this song as the concept of shyness, indirect hints, etc.
Album: VOTRE CHÂTEAU (Track 03/07)
Release Date:2022/04/24
Album: KEMOLOVE♥ (Track 3/5)
Release Date:2012/12/31
Today is a day for no thought denpa. Panda maxxing. We're just cat bears eating copious amounts of bamboo grass and chilling.
Before checking the lyrics or looking it up, answer what colour you think a panda's tail is with ⚪ or ⚫
Album: 3LEEP! (Track 02/12)
Release Date:2016/08/14
undoubtedly one of the cutest nanahira songs, i must look so silly in public smiling at my phone when this songs plays
i melt every time i listen to animal land, it’s a very good representation of nanahira’s love for animals. she even has her own nananimals and they’re the cutest things ever (including nanahira). i really wonder what drove camellia to compose this, but i imagine it was nanahira’s idea. it’s perfection anyways, i’m glad i exist in the same century that this song was released.
Album: Apprism (track 5/10)
Release Date:2017/08/11
Singers:ななひら, ココ, 桃箱
Lyrics:七条レタス (Shichijō Lettuce)
Now for a silly song, nana, koko, and momobako go out clubbing. It's scary but they have a good time I think. For me though clubs are scary~~
Maybe if we had clubs around here that played anisongs I'd consider it. クラブこわいクラブこわいクラブこわいクラブこわいクラブこわい
Release Date:2023/02/18
this one is also a super cute song, nanahira’s \fu/ \fu/s and \yeh!/ \yeh!/s are fun
this song had great timing, it came out when i was most tired. it was also when i was working part time so i would listen to this on my way home. きゅうけーい!嘘だyo!is also a really cute part
of course i have to talk about the illustrations, they really nailed the cute dj’s style.
i’m also not very familiar with fasun, can’t think of any fasun featuring nanahira songs other than this one off the top of my head. if you do find some please let me know
Album: Wonder trick (track 5/10)
Release Date:2016/08/14
This one took awhile to translate because the meaning is too deep for a robot to possibly understand. Today your elementary school imouto (nanahira) is making you dinner.
Honestly every song in wonder trick is insanely good. It's one of Nanahira's more story driven albums where every song tells a fun/funny story. This one is super high in the pun aspect.
Album: はっちぽっちひとりぼっち (Track 04/10)
Release Date:2019/10/27
Album: rond de lumière (müchette) Track 13/13
Release Date:2021-09-17
This song means a lot to me, and going over the lyrics in detail to translate it just now really reinforced why I think so. Super duper happy song, it was the bonus track that was added to the end of rond de lumière when the physical album was released. Every other song in the album was slowly released on Nanahira's youtube channel month by month over the course of 2020, which was awesome of course, but this one we actually first heard on a radio show Nanahira appeared on before its release.
With rond de lumière, there was a super cool thing where nanahira was doing an online meet and greet type event, where each album came with a little ticket that had the information you needed to participate. Basically you got to spend a good minute talking in a voice call with Nanahira. At the time I was a little fledgeling of Japanese having just a few university JP classes under my belt. it was the first time I had ever spoken in Japanese to a native Japanese person who wasn't talking with me for language exchange purposes, so I was suuper nervous. I also planned really poorly because I expected to get into the queue and sit around stressing a bunch, but I was too quick and was put in a voice call with Nanahira as soon as I clicked the button
I wrote a quick transcript of the conversation after and we basically didn't say much in the time, but I'll never forget that meeting. It really has been an unending miracle.
Release Date:2024/02/27
Composer:本多友紀(Arte Refact)
this really blew up, i hope nanahira gets all the popularity she deserves. super cute song, it’s a secret to my family but i do this dance in the shower
this song would randomly pop up in my brain and i have no complaints, it’s very cheerful
Album: Good night, Dreamer. (Track 02/05)
Release Date:2024/04/28
Release Date:2020/10/01
Crash Bandicoot~ Crash Bandicoot~ Crash Bandi Bandicoot~
Honestly a masterpiece of the ages. Hachipuyo did an insane job on the illustrations and Nanahi put her soul into singing it. If you've never seen the original commercial, here's a link to it so you can get an idea of what was in Nanahira's head when she thought "I know what I want to cover next..."
Release Date:2019/08/12
Release Date:2022/08/08
Singers:花雲くゆり、さけこ。、ななひら:NanaKiss:590806160421027840 、浅木ゆめみ
i had a lot of fun watching nanahira’s trpg streams with others, this was the first ever trpg stream i’ve seen. this cover song was the cherry on top of everything, everyone here sang so well. admittedly, i grew a little too attached to the characters they played and teared up a little
i wasn’t sure what to expect but it exceeded whatever expectations i did have by a lot
Album: らぶちゅ!2
Release Date:2015-04-26
Singers:Nanahira :NanaCool:827040492948160522 , Koko :kokoCool:1207898892285378571
Kokonana day. Today is for Kokonana. A Kokonana duet love song. No matter how much nanapomi are "best friend" -pomi Kokonana is just on another level.
Release Date:2022-04-24
votre château is a beautiful album, the songs are so well written and the album cover is really cute. h3llo my world was a really fun introduction to the album and the story behind the different characters adds a new depth to it all, is what i feel. this is my pick for nanahira song of the day because i love the message of scribbling down your feelings and tossing it into the sky, and the really cute music video. i will write my problems down onto a paper plane and send it to the skies
私の想像よりも軽く、 高く飛んだ
this is my favourite part of the song.
akki composes really good songs, there’s a very noticeable style in his songs with nanahira
nanahira sings beautifully in this one too
Albums: Memory-Go-Round (track 9/10)
Release Date:2020-05-05
I love this kind of song. I think about this song a ton. I often find myself humming it when I’m in a good mood, and I think back to the first time I listened to it. Back in 2020 when my first nanahira album came in the mail. My brother made fun of me a bit for buying such a girly album when all my life growing up he’d known me as a punk rock fan
. That was the year I was stuck inside with my family all the time due to covid and it marked such a perfect era transition that it really was an opportune time to come out.
As the years go on I feel the message of Memory-Go-Round stronger and stronger. I hope you guys can feel this way too, maybe share some of your memories of the first time you listened to this song. It really is that kind of song.
Release Date:2023-04-04
this is nanahira song of the day for being very reassuring
the boost in confidence i get at the きっとあなたなら大丈夫 part is huge. despite not being a really high tempo song, i still feel a burst in energy every time i listen to it
to me, it’s a really good song to put on when working on a huge project or lots of schoolwork.
i’m not sure how many people know that the the vocals for this song is nanahira, she’s the face and virtual ambassador of ZONe Energy and her singing voice is so cool
if you’re interested, here’s the link to ZONe official website:
Albums: プチリズム7♭, Confetti-Box, ほっと・すぽっと
Release Date:2013-10-27
What a silly and cute song this one is. I get why it was published in 3 different albums and got it’s own music video. I truly fish this song.
I’ll actually wait a bit before starting to discuss the lyrics since it’s got enough of a narrative structure that anything I try to write feels like a spoiler to anyone who doesn’t understand it.
Katahotori composes the cutest stuff
What an era.
Album: Free Pl@ying
Release Date:2013-08-12
Composer:ざにお (Zanio)
i remember this song from a while back when i was scanning the lyric book for genpare, i thought it fit me well
my childish dreams have not died out, nor have the fantasies. treating life like a game makes every routine day more enjoyable.
the entire free pl@ying album is so good
it makes me feel even more of a child than i already am.
Album: Midnight Future (track 7/8)
Release Date:2019/12/31
Composer:Neko Hacker
This song is a real snoozer (praise) perfect for my "nanahira songs to listen to as I drift off to sleep" playlist. Almost like a lullaby.
For me it’s not too long before I’ll be heading off to the world of dreams to meet magical girl Nanahira. Somehow I get the sense that Nanahi is a big fan of sleeping… Midnight Future, Good Night, Dreamer, Sleep. I live, breath, and die the phrase 睡眠最高! (sleep is the best!) from people people which Neko hacker also composed.
Album: トリップ×フロリック (track 7/8)
Release Date:2019/04/28
Composer:D.watt (IOSYS)
For quite some time now this has been a nice cool-down song for me. It’s nice and relaxing while also having the sick fast drums going, all held together by Nanahira’s crisp voice. Spectacular.
The lyrics are pretty easy to understand. Room’s a mess, heart’s a mess, life’s a mess. I clean my room up a bit every time I listen to this one. Song’s protagonist honestly seems very similar to me in many ways… maybe I’m the one her mom wants to be her next boyfriend?
If your life’s also a bit messy at times, maybe you can’t seem to clean it up, or maybe you’ve always had a spotless room and just think Nanahira is the greatest ever: grab the role nnhrsotd from the id:customize page to get pinged every day.